Victory Results:
 17 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  83 %
Total plays 6 - Last reported by kostas63 on 2021-03-21 16:08:49

Prairie Grove, Arkansas

December 7, 1862

Historical Overview
The battle opened on the morning of December 7, with Union Gen. Herron crossing the Illinois River and deploying his troops on Hindman's right. Herron opened an intense two-hour artillery barrage on the Confederate position. Herron then ordered an advance on the hill rather than waiting for Blunt to arrive. When his men arrived at the Roger and Borden farms they found themselves under a fierce Confederate counterattack from Maramaduke and Brig. Gen. Francis A. Shoup.
The Confederates then counterattacked, but were first halted by Union canister, and then moved forward again. Just when it looked as if the Confederate attack would roll up Herron's troops, Blunt realized that Hindman had intercepted Herron first. Furious, Blunt ordered his troops to march to the sound of the guns and they met the Confederate attack and drove them back to the ridge.
As night came, neither side had won. Although the battle ended as a tactical draw, it was a strategic victory for the Union army because they remained in possession of the battlefield, and Hindman, with no reserves, was forced to retreat, which established Union control of northwest Arkansas.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 8
Hills 9
Field 3
Homestead 3
Orchard 1
River bridge 1
River straight 2


Union Army
Frances J. Herron
Take 6 Command Cards


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
8 3 2 2

Confederate Army
Thomas C. Hindman
Take 6 Command Cards
You move first


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
9 3 2 3

7 Flags

Special Rules
The Illinois River may be crossed only at the bridge.


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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Vittoria Confederata 7-1. I sudisti avanzano nel centro posizionandosi tra i campi. blunt risponde spostando due unità di fanteria a supporto del centro e ordinando le altre di avanzare verso Marton Farm. La lotta nel centro si fa furiosa ma i nordisti se la vedono brutta quando una loro artiglieria viene eliminata e l'altra deve ritirarsi per mancanza di rifornimenti. Blunt fa intervenire anche la sua cavalleria con scarso successo. Herron decide di entrare in gioco muovendosi tra il centro e l'ala sinistra nordista ma trova i sudisti di Cleburne già schierati. È proprio la batteria di Cleburne che con un Bombardamento dà il colpo di grazia ai nordisti.
MayorJim replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
Also, the vassal map has yet again, different set ups from the posted map.
MayorJim replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
The set up showing on the map is way off of the suggested setup. Numbers of infantry, artillery do not match what’s on the map.