Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by kostas63 on 2021-03-19 17:57:05

Perryville, Kentucky

October 8, 1862

Historical Overview
In 1862 Perryville was a town of just a few hundred residents. The rolling hills to the west and northwest were dotted with woods, farms, and a number of creeks, which fed the Chaplin River. However, because of a two-month drought, the creeks were nearly dry. Buell didn't intend to bring on a general engagement until all his corps had arrived, but McCook and Gilbert sought to secure a water supply and had moved forward to high ground to protect some pools along Doctors Fork. The first shots of the battle took place in the early morning of October 8, when pickets from both sides went forward to get water.
Bragg's battle plan was to envelope the Union left with Cheatham's division, but the Union left was farther north than expected and instead of turning the flank, Cheatham slammed into McCook's corps. As Buckner's Confederates advanced over the creek, McCook's forward line fell back and the Union reformed along the Russell house ridge. Although Buell's headquarters was only a few miles away, he did not know until 4 p.m. that McCook was under heavy attack. Buell ordered reinforcements sent from Gilbert's corps to shore up the Union left. With daylight fading, the Confederate advance was repulsed. Although they had gained ground and mauled McCook's brigades, the arrival of Union reinforcements stayed the Confederate tide.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 18
Hills 5
Homestead 2
River bend 5
River straight 7


Union Army
Don C. Buell
Take 5 Command Cards


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
10 2 3 2

Confederate Army
Braxton Bragg
Take 5 Command Cards
You move first


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
8 2 3 3

7 Flags

Special Rules


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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
Vittoria Confederata 7-4. La destra sudista avanza quando si rende conto che i nordisti sono in inferiorità numerica. Sorprendendo tutti la cavalleria di Cheatham sfonda ed elimina un'unità di fanteria e di seguito la batteria d'artiglieria arrivando quasi a contatto con la cavalleria nemica. Quando finalmente Gilbert riceve ordini attraversa il fiume e avanza contto la debole ala sinistra sudista. I confederati resistono tra i boschi ma devono indietreggiare quando perdono l'artiglieria. Prima che i nordisti giungano nei pressi di Bottom House, Buckner attacca nel centro i nordisti sulle colline. Il gen. McCook interviene per animare le proprie truppe ma muore nella mischia concludendo la battaglia.