Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by kostas63 on 2021-02-18 13:54:45

Ox Hill, Virginia

September 1, 1862

Historical Overview
After the second battle of Bull Run, Lee sent Jackson on a wide flanking march to intercept the Union retreat, but Pope anticipated the turning movement and concentrated his units around the Germantown area.
Pope ordered the Union Ninth Corps to move up Ox Road and block the Confederate advance. Just south of the Little River Turnpike, the lead columns of Stevens contacted the Confederate skirmishers. Stevens ordered his blue coats into line and advanced through the fields of the Reid farm toward Lawton's Confederate line in the distant wood. Heavy fighting ensued, with Stevens leading the attack. As the Union troops reached the woods, a bullet struck Stevens, killing him instantly. About the same time, a terrific thunderstorm broke, drenching the soldiers. The storm and the loss of Stevens effectively halted the Union attack.
The Confederates, seeing the Union forces in disarray, counterattacked. Gen. Philip Kearny by this time had reached the field and, as he rode forward to reconnoiter the Confederate position, ordered Birney's Brigade to advance on the Confederate right. Kearney, encountering A. P. Hill's Confederates in the woods, was cut down as he tried to escape. Fighting continued until dusk, when both sides withdrew.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 23
Hills 3
Homestead 1
Orchard 1


Union Army
Isaac I. Stevens
Take 5 Command Cards
You move first

Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
10 - 2 3

Confederate Army
Thomas J. Jackson
Take 5 Command Cards

Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
9 - 2 3

6 Flags

Special Rules


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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Vittoria Nordista 6-4. I nordisti avanzano le loro truppe nel centro e sulla loro sinistra mentre i sudisti rimangono in attesa tra i boschi. Solo le due batterie confederate vengono portate in prima linea. Quando finalmente i nordisti arrivano a contatto spazzano via l'artiglieria sudista (anche se con pesanti perdite) e le truppe di Lawton ancora schierate tra i boschi. I confederati al comando di Hill riescono ad arrivare fino alla fattoria di Reid ma senza ottenere grossi vantaggi.