Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by kostas63 on 2021-02-18 09:38:34

Richmond, Kentucky (Union Final Position)

August 30, 1862

Historical Overview
Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of the Confederate forces in midsummer 1862, undertook an offensive aimed at central Tennessee and Kentucky. Late on August 29 his advance guard encountered a Union force, near Richmond, Kentucky. At this point, Kirby Smith had around 6,000 troops with him while the Union force had 6,500 untrained troops in two brigades, under Brig. Gen. Mahlon D. Manson and Charles Cruft. Smith judged that it was worth risking an attack, because one major aim of the invasion of Kentucky was to win that state over to the Confederate cause. Backing away from the first Union army encountered would hardly encourage potential Confederate supporters in the state.
At dawn on August 30, the main battle began near Mt. Zion Christian Church. The Confederate attack was delivered in two waves, starting with General Cleburne's two brigades. After two hours of skirmishing and counter-battery artillery fire east of the road, Cruft's Union troops arrived, and began to reinforce the Union right flank. Manson's overextended left flank however, was overwhelmed and the entire Confederate army then advanced, with Scott's cavalry on either flank. The Union troops fell back and reformed at White's farm, but volleys from a wide Confederate advance broke this defense. The new Union troops had fought well, but after the third line was breached they began to surrender in droves.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 8
Hills 5
Fences 2 6
Homestead 3
River bend 2
River straight 2


Union Army
William Nelson
Take 4 Command Cards


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
8 - 2 2

Confederate Army
E. Kirby Smith
Take 6 Command Cards
You move first


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
10 3 2 3

6 Flags

Special Rules
• All Union infantry are “green” units. Green units must retreat 2 hexes when forced to retreat.


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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Vittoria Unione 6-3. Mentre i confederati avanzano i nordisti portano in posizione la loro artiglieria. I sudisti danno inizio alle ostilità sulla loro destra cercando di eliminare la batteria di artiglieria che al contrario si difende bene eliminando due unità sudiste prima di retrocedere sulla collina. I confederati spostano l'azione sull'altra ala dove la fanteria al comando di Churchill riesce a sfondare la linea yankee anche se al costo della vita del generale stesso. Il centro nordista concentra il fuoco sulle ali eliminando le poche unità sudiste che erano riuscite ad arrivare a tiro.
NimitsTexan replied the topic:
10 years 2 months ago
You have to keep jn mind that the number of units in a CC scenario represents both quality and numbers of troops. For example, in the Antietam and Fredricksburg scenarios the AotP was twice the size of the AoNV (and even if you just count troops engaged, had about a 3:2 advantage), but in both scenarios in BC150 the sides have rough numerical parity. Given the poor Union performance at Richmond, I think from a historical perspective it is hard to argue the Union need more troops.

That said, it might help from a balance perspective. This is along the lines of "No Hope Church" in being very difficult for the Union to win.
seanapdaniel replied the topic:
10 years 6 months ago
Just another note. This position straddles the Kingston Rd. south of Richmond. It as this road that Confederate troops used to advance on Richmond. The federal position had the high ground with good view of the Confederates. They also had use of a split rail fence running along the Federal right. The Confederates flanked the Federals along their left using the woods. I have visited this field many times over the years.
seanapdaniel replied the topic:
10 years 6 months ago
I have seen this map before, at the Richmond Battlefield Website. Thanks for posting this scenario. That said, this was NOT the final Union Position, but the second major position, the Final one takes place outside of Richmond at the graveyard. The first position is by Mt. Zion Church. The first position was manned by Mason's Brigade. Nelson was the Division Commander, but was not present until his arrive and rally of the Federal Troops at the Final Position near the town of Richmond Ky.. Also the Federal Troops were in large numbers, and to reflect this you may consider making Cruft's troops in blocks of 6 to 8 covering two hexes instead of one. They would still fight with 4 or less dice based on losses, but hold more ground, and be more steady than Mason's which by this time had been bled some in the early fight near Mt. Zion Church.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
10 years 7 months ago
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- Green Units