Victory Results:
 56 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  44 %
Total plays 9 - Last reported by JB1130 on 2021-08-08 05:54:01

Wilson’s Creek, Missouri (Bloody Hill)

August 10, 1861

Historical Overview
Lyon decided to attack the Confederate encampments about ten miles south of Springfield, Missouri after his success at Dug Springs on August 2. Sigel and about 1,200 troops had moved east around to the south of the Confederates, while Lyon’s main body struck from the north.
Taken by surprise, the Confederate outposts were driven back and Lyon occupied the crest of a ridge subsequently called “Bloody Hill.” Sigel’s attack was also successful, as his artillery scattered the Confederate cavalry around the Sharp House. Lyon then consolidated his forces and ordered Plummer across Wilson’s Creek to guard the Union flank. During the lull in the battle, Price and McCulloch planned a counter strike against the Union lines. McCulloch attacked Sigel, while Price attacked Bloody Hill.
Sigel’s forces were routed from the field, but both of Price’s efforts against Bloody Hill were driven back. During the second attack, however, Lyon was killed and Maj. Samuel Sturgis took command. After a third Confederate assault, Sturgis had seen enough, and ordered the Union to retreat back to Springfield.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 9
Hills 16
Fences 2 2
Fences 3 1
Field 2
Homestead 2
River bridge 1
River bend 2
River straight 8


Union Army
Nathaniel Lyon
Take 6 Command Cards
You move first


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
8 3 3 3

Confederate Army
Sterling Price
Take 6 Command Cards


Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  General
10 3 3 3

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