Historical Overview
More informations on Britishbattles.com
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.
Set-Up Order
British Troops
Brigadier General Gough
6 Command cards
Move First
XX | XX | XX | XX |
Afghan Tribes
Unknown Tribal Leaders
5 Command cards
XX | XX | XX | XX |
6 Banners
Special Rules
- Cross sabers hits only in melee
British Army:
- British Gurkhas: The british unit on the left are Gurkhas. They may ignore 1 flag and ignores terrain battle restrictions in close combat.
- Horse Artillery: The british horse artillery may move 0-1 and battles with 4-3-2-1 or move 2 and no battle.
- British Rifles: The british unit on the far left (single picture unit) with 3 figures battles 2-2-2-2. If they don’t move, they also hit on XSW and ignore all terrain modifications.
Afghan Army:
- Tribes with swords: - Strength 5 figures - Move 0-1 and battle 3-2-1 OR move 2 without battle
- Tribes with muskets: - Strength 4 figures - Move 1 and battle 3-2-1 OR don´t move and battle 4-3-2-1