First Bull Run, Virginia
July 21, 1861
Historical Overview
The Confederates occupied a defensive position along the southern bank of a meandering river called Bull Run. With the bulk of his forces on his right, Beauregard planned to attack the Union left flank, but a little after sunrise on July 21, Union artillery was heard to the North. McDowell had moved first.
With three divisions, McDowell crossed at Sudley Ford and was pushing the only Confederate brigade on the left flank back, before Bee, Bartow, and Jackson marched to its support. At about 2 p.m., the Confederate line reformed along the reverse slope of Henry House Hill, with Jackson in command. Bee, encouraged by Jackson, shouted to the men in his command, “Look! There is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Rally behind the Virginians!” Thereafter, Jackson was known as “Stonewall Jackson” and his troops as the “Stonewall Brigade”.
The Union attack was halted, and a bitter struggle ensued for control of the hill. With the arrival of fresh troops, the Confederate line began to gain the upper hand and the Union forces withdrew. The Confederates had won the first major engagement of the Civil War.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.
Set-Up Order
Union Army
Irving McDowell
Take 6 command cards
You move first
9 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Confederate Army
Pierre G. T. Beauregard
Take 6 command cards
7 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
6 Flags
Special Rules
Related FAQs
I'm looking at the Staffing Notes for First Bull Run, which tells me that I need 6 flags to win. Say I'm playing as the Union, I occupy the Henry House as soon as possible and hold it, giving me 1 flag, I then manage to take out the Confederates 2 generals and 1 artillery, now giving me a total of 4 flags. Where do I get the other two? That is all of the flags on the board, save for my own two flagged units...
Review the Staffing Notes carefully. In the notes for First Bull Run, no flags are awarded to the Union for the capture of Henry House. The Generals and Units chart on page 6 tells you how to set up the units in a given scenario. Each unit in the game has a flag bearer piece which is awarded to the opposing player when it is lost. See: (BC:150 p.10) "For each hit scored, remove one figure from the target unit. Remove the flag bearer piece last. When the flag bearer (last piece) in the opponent's unit is removed, place it on an empty space of the victory stand on your side of the battlefield." Also: (BC:150 p.11) "The first player to capture the required number of flags for the selected battle scenario's victory conditions wins the game."