35. Seleucid (Hellenistic successor to Alexander - east Greece, Syria, Persia) 320-83BC

Blocks: Persian

Initiative: 2

Home terrain: cultivated

06. Sea Peoples 1208-1176BC
14. Thracian 700BC-46AD
19. Skythian 750BC-50AD
26. Classical Indian 500BC-545AD
29. Syracusan (east Sicily) 410-210BC
34. Successor (Diadochus) 320-260BC
36. Ptolemaic 320-30BC
40. Polybian Roman 275-105BC
42. Later Macedonian 260-148BC
43. Parthian 250BC-225AD
46. Maccabean Jewish 64-104BC

1xHC Companions* (G), 1xHC, 2xHI, 2xMI, 1xLC, 1xHCh or MCm, 1xEl, 1xAux, 2xLI

Special: *The Companions special rule is in effect for this unit (exp.1, P.16).

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