34. Successor (Diadochus)
(other Hellenistic Successors to Alexander: Laomedon, Philotas, Peithon, Antigonus, Asander, Menander, Lysimachus, Leonnatus, Neoptolemus, Antipater, and Craterus) - north Greece, Turkey, Persia, and east) 320-260BC
Blocks: Greek
Initiative: 4
Home terrain: cultivated
06. Sea Peoples 1208-1176BC
13. Illyrian 700BC-10AD
14. Thracian 700BC-46AD
27. Later Hoplite Greek 450-275BC
29. Syracusan (east Sicily) 410-210BC
34. Successor (Diadochus) 320-260BC
36. Ptolemaic 320-30BC
37. Pyrrhic 300-272BC
38. Hellenistic Greek 275-146BC
41. Galatian 280-25BC
1xHI or HC Companions* (G), 1xMC, 1xEl or LC or Aux or WM, 2xHI, 2xMI, 2xMI or Aux, 2xLI or Bow, 1xAux or War
Special: *The Companions special rule is in effect for this unit (exp.1, P.16). Also, if Eumenid, one of the heavy infantry units may be designated Silver Shields. The Silver Shields special rule is in effect for this unit (exp.1, P.22).
Historical Notes (Eumenid):