Light Chariot - Fire Range

Sorry to all I thought we had made the correction to Light Chariot's fire range on both Expansion #2 and #3 Reference Cards but somehow the card was printed with Light Chariot Fire Range of 2 hexes, when of course it should be Light Chariot Fire Range is 3 hexes.


Marius Legions Rule

Medium Infantry Heavy Infantry Medium Infantry Heavy Infantry 

In Expansion #2, it states the Marius Legions Rule lets the medium infantry have a ranged attack but in expansion #3, Marius Legions Rule states both the heavy and medium infantry now have this ranged attack. Which one is correct?

When Marius Legions Rule is in effect both Roman medium and heavy infantry are armed with pilum and sword and are considered missile weapon capable units. In regard to the published scenarios in Exp #2, the only heavy infantry unit feature is Caesar's Tenth Legion with a number of special unit abilities.



Elephant Elephant Elephant Elephant Elephant

On page 11 second printing second bullet -When an elephant Battles Back after being attacked in Close Combat it will roll the same number of dice as the unit which made the attack on the elephant unit. It sounds like the elephant unit battling back would get the bonus. Is that correct?

The section just above reads -In Close Combat, an elephant unit will roll the same number of battle dice as the unit it is attacking would normally roll against the elephant. Key word here is normally. Bonus dice a unit rolls against the elephant are not consider the units normal attack dice so the elephant unit would not roll more dice than the attackers normal dice.


The rules say if the elephant rolls a "sword" hit, they re-roll for possible additional hits. What if the reroll(s) are a sword, do I continue to re-roll as long as a sword keeps coming up?

Yes. An elephant when on a roll will do a lot of damage. Remember to track both hits and flags. (NOTE) The above rule is different than what Note 5 on the Reference sheet states. We recommend that you update Note 5 as follows: Note 5 -Any sword hit scored by an Elephant unit is re-rolled one time only for possible additional block hits or flag results.


Elephant Retreat Rules in a little more detail:
When the retreat path of the elephant is blocked (both hexes towards its side of the battlefield are occupied by units -regardless of friend or foe) the elephant is not moved back and does not lose any blocks; rather the units that blocked the retreat path must each lose one block for each hex the elephant had to retreat but could not.


When an elephant must retreat, but both retreat hexes are occupied and a lone enemy leader occupies one of the hexes, how does the remove one block from each unit work on the lone enemy leader?

The enemy leader block is removed from the battlefield.


When an elephant must retreat, and both retreat hexes are occupied, one of the hexes is occupied by a lone friendly leader, how does the remove one block from each unit work on the lone friendly leader?

A lone friendly leader does not block the elephant's retreat path and the Elephant unit may move onto a hex with the lone leader. The rule is -A unit, without an attached leader, may retreat onto a hex that contains a friendly leader that is alone on a hex. The leader attaches to that unit, and the unit's retreat movement is stopped and the unit ignores any additional retreat movement.



Warriors Warriors Warriors Warriors Warriors Warriors

The rules say that a Warrior Infantry unit loses it bonuses (+1 combat die and ignores 1 flag) in the "next combat battle" after its first loss. So if a full strength Warrior unit is engaged in close combat, loses a block and then battles back, does it do so with 3 or 4 battle dice?

The warrior unit rolls 4 battle dice. When a unit battles back, it was our intent for it to be part of the attacking units combat sequence. Think of close combat as the attacking unit striking and the defending unit striking back. I believe that is how battling went at this time -Strike, Strike back… A bonus Close Combat after a unit has made a Momentum Advance, however, is consider as a new Close Combat. Why bring this up here? Because… If a full strength Warrior unit is engaged in close combat, loses a block and is forced to retreat (I was lucky and rolled two flags with my medium cavalry). The warrior unit retreats 2 hexes. I make a Momentum Advance and move an additional hex with my cavalry and am adjacent to the same warrior unit again. My bonus Close Combat against the same warrior unit is a clean miss, I hate when that happens! The warrior unit then battles back with 3 dice because the Warrior unit is no longer at full strength and the bonus Close Combat is treated as a new combat.


Full Strength Gallic Warrior in a Camp on a Hill = 3 dice
A full-strength Warrior unit may roll 4 dice in Close Combat. The same rules for a foot unit battling from one Hill hex to another also apply here, so 3 dice maximum when battling against another unit on a Hill hex.
A unit on a Camp hex battles with -1 fewer dice than usual when it battles.
(A Full Strength Warrior normally rolls 4 dice in Close Combat. The Camp reduces this number to 3 dice. The Hill limits the Warrior to 3 battle dice for foot unit on a Hill hex against a unit on another Hill hex.)

The terrain rules for a hill states "Foot units roll a maximum of 3 battle dice when battling an enemy unit that is downhill, and when battling from one hill hex to another hill hex".
If we focus on the number of dice the warrior unit can roll in this situation Warrior 3 dice / full strength +1 die / unit on a fortified camp hex rolls one fewer battle -1 die = 3 dice
Apply the terrain maximum rule of - Foot units roll a maximum of 3 battle dice when battling from one hill hex to another hill hex.
The warrior unit is not over the hill-to-hill maximum so the warrior unit rolls 3 dice.