The latest news from Ancients website.
I've published a specific page for every Maps/Scenarios Designer, for easier reference and for giving the right tribute to each contributor!
CLICK HERE to see the right page.
Today has been released a Vassal Module extension to show ALL ScenarioX ArmyList (graphical edition) inside Vassal, for easy reference during tournaments or even for fast skirmish setup.
One of my biggest disappointments when I first went through the scenarios in Exp#1 (besides the absence of Thermopylae and Chaeronea) was seeing Spartan armies with the suggestion of using Persian blocks... I could understand it for Successors battles, after all they were being "Easternized", but Sparta???
You will say "well, there are just a few battles", if I remember well Leuctra and Mantinea, but the problem became bigger for me as most of the 15 scenarios I have designed (Greek Tragedy, Hellenica and Sacred Band) involve Spartans. Or at least other Greeks.
I began using the gray Roman army for those scenarios, better looking than the Persian but I was not fully satisfied... And then I found a cheap solution. I'm using glass stones as generic Victory Banners, and small plastic shields as Special Unit markers. This leaves me with 56 Black blocks (yes, I have all expansions)!!!
I've used them to build a 7th "Black Army": Sparta. The "only" thing I had to do was work on new, Spartan-like labels for these blocks (GET IT HERE).
I've updated 15 maps by Miguel Marqués, creating the relative CODENAME.
From now on all maps by Miguel will be named MMxx, where xx represent his progressive number.
MM01 Thermopylae (480 BC) | HELLENICA |
MM02 Mycale (479 BC) | HELLENICA |
MM03 Tanagra (457 BC) | HELLENICA |
MM04 Cunaxa (401 BC) | HELLENICA |
MM05 Megalopolis (331 BC) | HELLENICA |
MM06 Pylos (425 BC) | GREEK TRAGEDY |
MM07 Sphacteria (425 BC) | GREEK TRAGEDY |
MM08 Delium (424 BC) | GREEK TRAGEDY |
MM09 Mantinea (418 BC) | GREEK TRAGEDY |
MM10 Epipolae (413 BC) | GREEK TRAGEDY |
MM11 Coronea (394 BC) | SACRED BAND |
MM12 Tegyra (375 BC) | SACRED BAND |
MM13 Leuctra (371 BC) | SACRED BAND |
MM14 Mantinea (362 BC) | SACRED BAND |
MM15 Chaeronea (338 BC) | SACRED BAND |
I'm also working on a VASSAL MODULE EXTENSION to play all of these scenarios online (Yes! with Spartan Army). Stay tuned.
In Download Section you will also find 3 separate PDF that groups these scenarios.
Click here to downlaod them: HELLENICA, GREEK TRAGEDY and SACRED BAND.
Thank you Miguel for these great maps!
Hi guys,
I've just ended creating "vassal maps" for all Greg Blanchett scenarios available.
Some maps were already present in our map database and some other are new. I've renamed existing maps to fitting storage into MAP DB, so you will find every map named like GBxx (where xx is the map creation progressive number).
Every map has got the original PDF available in download area. At the bottom of each page you will find a direct link to it.
If you prefer browsing everyGBxx PDF, you should go directly HERE.
This has been based on the game about the Battle of Cunaxa designed by Richard Berg, and of the same name. I hope some of you enjoy the scenario and that you will all continue to enjoy the other many battles, articles and resources available on the site.
Please feel free to send me any items you have concerning this beautiful game so that the site continues to grow.
Recently I've added 9 new armies ready to use with Don Clarke's ScenarioX Variant Rules.
Don told me that he will add them in the next ArmyList "text edition" (maybe v9.0). Hope you like and enjoy.
GMT Games published some news about expansion set #4 and #5.
Here you will find direct link to GMT website pages:
EXP #4 - Imperial Rome,
EXP #5 - Epic Ancients 1.
With the new C3i Magazine (#21) every Commands and Colors: Ancients player will enjoy three new scenarios by Richard Borg:
Commands & Colors: Ancients is already a great game, but ScenarioX makes it even better, by allowing players to challenge each other with a wide range of armies from throughout history. Alessandro's great work in providing a graphical reference for the ScenarioX armies was a good start, but it was still a complex process figuring out which army blocks one could use from CC:A to build these armies, and even harder to quickly see which two armies could be built to face each other on the battlefield.
Recently Bill Bennet posted on CCAvassal Yahoo Group! some news about a new version (v3) of famous C&CAncients module to play online using VassalEngine.
Here you can find a list of changes (quoted directly from the author's original message):
As Richard Borg says "We actually have a number of very interesting Commands & Colors: Ancients expansions in the works. One expansion is near completion, just need to finish playtesting a few more scenarios."
In the following link at Consimworld you will find some info about the next Expansion about "Commands & Colors: Ancients" mew Expansion.