Game 1
Rams1984 (Vitellian) 5 banners won
Azzy (Othonian) 4 banners won
All started well for Othonians they were well organised and strenghtened thier right section. Vitellians were quite aggressive but in vain lost both auxilias and heavy and behind 3-1.Turn 5 Vitellius charged and was lucky to wipe out the full strength heavy along with Titanus which changed things a bit. Turn 8 Vitellians were trailing 3-4, but had slight chance to charge at the lone medium infantry and lone bow, but failed miserably.... Turn 9 Othonians came up with I'am Spartacus, but were able to order only one light unit. which gave vitellius some chance, and finally the Medium Cavalry with tthe leader finished off the lingereing lonely mediums. Loss of Titanus was too much take for Othonians...
This battle could have easilty gone the other way.
Azzy (Vitellian) 3 banners won
Rams1984 (Othonian) 5 banners won
Slow start, it was all firing unitl Turn 8 with zero success for Othonians, turn 8 was when Vitellians Charged on their left and dealt signficant damage on the medium leaving it alone. Angered by this Titanus left his heavy and helped the lone medium destroy a 3 block medium, which started encouraged his troops. But again it was more of reorganising the formation in the next few turns. Until IAS came up on Turn 13 for Othanians, was poor but it was enought deal some damage on the right flank to make it 2-1 for Othonians. Vitellians counter attacked and had much better outcome this time and were able to order 5 units and made it even at 3-3.
Inspired by Titanus show of bravery on the right flank Paliunus charged with his troops on the left. Initial Medium infantry, removed half the auxilias without frightening them, which helped the MC to clean it up, and advance on to the other MC, scored a clean hit, which settled this tense first round. The MC scored 5/6 which was just enough.
Thanks for both the games, both very intense, and strenous. Got lucky a bit, could have been 2-1 either way or 1.5 each...