Round 5

5 months 3 weeks ago #71931 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic Round 5
Match 2
Antigonus  PCScipio42   7 banners
Eumenes  GHeintz   2 banners

 Eumenes' silver shields were killed off in a counterattack to start but tied the game at 1-1, Eumenes double time netted a banner but lost a heavy in battle back. Antigous double netted 2 banners plus killed a leader to make it 5-2. Eumenes send in his elephant and heavy cav in the center but comes up short and the elephant and heavy cav were killed in battle back. Not much Geoff could have done in this one as I had extremely good dice in battle backs.

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5 months 3 weeks ago #71932 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic Round 5

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File Attachment:

File Name: geoffvsfor...me2.vlog
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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #72271 by scrum4you
Replied by scrum4you on topic Round 5
Match 1
EZPickins (Antigonus)  # 2
scrum4you (Eumenes)  # 7

    Antigonus started with a sustained attack on the left which took out an A and E from Eumenes at the cost of Antigonus MCx2, HC, E, and A after 5.5 turns of back and forth. After this the score was 5-2 in favor of Eumenes and the right side had started to engage.

    Antigonus went after the right E, but unfortunately cut off his retreat path. This resulted in an LBC and LC getting destroyed by rampaging and block retreats, ending the game at 7-2 in favor of Eumenes in six turns.


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File Name: CCA_2024_R5_G1.vlog
File Size:451 KB

Match 2
scrum4you (Antigonus)  # 3
EZPickins (Eumenes)  # 7

   This 3.5 Turn (!) game was a game of very lucky rolls mixed with very unlucky rolls. It was also pretty much a mounted-only game.

    Antigonus advanced on the right and took out the Eumenes E with 2of2 reds rolled (lucky!). Eumenes responded with Mounted Charge, weakened Antigonus LC and LBC on the right to one block, and took out an A but lost an LC. The score was 1-2 Antigonus. Antigonus responded with Mounted Charge, which he used to hide his weakened LC/LBC behind the line. Eumenes responded with Counter Attack (3rd Mounted Charge in a row!) and took out an A and an MC on the left, but had ineffective dice on the right.

    Antigonus killed the attacking LBC on the right, then made a foolish LC attack against HC and lost the LC. The score was 4-3 in favor of Eumenes. Eumenes played Order Mounted, pushed his right HC up against the 1-block LBC and LC pinned against the back line, and attacked an E and HC on the left using an E and MC in an attempt to win the game. He took out the LBC, LC on the right and then rolled 2 reds to have a 1 block MC take out a 2 block HC. This ended the game at 7-3 Eumenes in 3.5 turns!

    The infantry on both sides pretty much stayed in their original positions!


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File Name: CCA_2024_R5_G2.vlog
File Size:368 KB
Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by scrum4you.

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5 months 3 weeks ago #72355 by alecrespi
Replied by alecrespi on topic Round 5
Match 1
Player 1 (Antigonus)    TTC  #2
Player 2 (Eumenes)    alecrespi  #7

Eumenes managed to crush the right flank (the left flank of the anthogoni) with some cavalry charges: 6 VP on that side.
The seventh VP was generated by an EL that suffered a BAN and crushed a damaged friendly unit on the rear...

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File Name: OT24R5G1_a...ebC.vlog
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Match 2
Player 2 (Antigonus)    alecrespi  #7
Player 1 (Eumenes)    TTC  #4

A completely different game.
The sides tried to face each other on both flanks with the cavalry but in the end they failed to gain anything more than a couple of victory points.
The Eumenes side brought forward the whole army while the Antigonus elephant dared a risky advance, survived and managed to eliminate a couple of key units.
In the final head-on clash the Antogonus side managed to close the game 7-4.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT24R5G2_a...ebC.vlog
File Size:359 KB

Thanks to Treb for being willing to find the time to play with such a big time difference!

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5 months 3 weeks ago #72383 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic Round 5
Deadline is fast approaching, please get your matches played and reported.
Deadline Wednesday 31 July

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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5 months 3 weeks ago #72452 by JawaNick
Replied by JawaNick on topic Round 5
Game 1
(Antigonus) Soul1st 5
(Eumenes) JawaNick 7

Game 2
(Antigonus) JawaNick 5
(Eumenes) Soul1st 7

A true tie in our match up, with Eumenes victorious in both. First game was characterized by successful cavalry charges (each side picking up a Mounted Charge early on). Second game was characterized by ill-fated cavalry charges!

Played this one using Skype for voice chat while we played, which worked well. It was a pleasure to chat and play with Soul1st.


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5 months 3 weeks ago #72468 by TTK
Replied by TTK on topic Round 5
R5 G1
TTK (Eumenus) 7:1 Warrick (Anti.)

R5 G2
TTK (Anti.) 7:1 Warrick (Eumenus)

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #72476 by rjvonline
Replied by rjvonline on topic Round 5
rjvonline vs jarib

The favored side (Eumenes) won both games.

I was Antigonus. I started off well (killing an elephant at range with 2 dice!), but then my shooting went down to shit despite having the right cards (lights, move-shoot-move, and the double-shooting card) which scored close to nothing. After that multiple cavalry/elephant actions (2 mounted charges, Spartacus, ...) proceeded to destroy both of my wings. The infantry barely got into it.

I was Eumenes. I don't much remember the details, but Jarib got into it on the wings too, especially on my left, but this time his efforts were not quite as successful. A first strike was helpful in blunting his continued EL/HC attacks on my left wing. The EL then died to a Phalanx attack, and the HC ended up trapped on my rear line and destroyed for my 7th VP (its leader died too, but that was just icing on the cake).

Congrats to Jarib for winning the match. Thanks to Mark for organizing as always. Winning only 2 of matches, even if I did win 6 of my 10 games, wasn't going to cut it. Looking forward to the next OT!
Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by rjvonline.

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5 months 3 weeks ago #72511 by mk20336
Replied by mk20336 on topic Round 5
Game 1
Antigonus (mk20336): 7
Eumenes (gotigerssc): 4

Very close game, where one side was leading with maximum one point up to perfectly executed Mounted Charge by Antigonid left. Everything was here - clash of Phalanxes, Cavalry Charges, First Strikes, Leader Deaths. Exciting game!File attachment:

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File Name: OT2024_R5_G2.vlog
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Game 2
Antigonus (gotigerssc): 3
Eumenes (mk20336): 7

Well, this time - although score is not so far from previous - the game was nothing but exciting. Eumenes somehow managed to gain huge advantage from the onset and press it every turn to the final victory. The double-leader check which Peithin failed did not help.File attachment:

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2024_R5_G1.vlog
File Size:593 KB
Thanks to Justin for flexibility in scheduling the games during the vacations! 

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #72536 by Marco
Replied by Marco on topic Round 5
Note: For clarity, Left and Right refer to the sides of the battlefield, not the commanders point of view.

Marco (Eumenes) 7
kwofford (Antigonus) 3

Eumenes began by moving LI to cover his ELE on the right. Antigonus advanced his LC on the right for missile fire, but one was driven off by a surprising early Spartacus command. Antigonus then advanced his mounted units on the left, while Eumenes countered with a Move-Fire-Move that sent the remaining LC on the right off the field. Antigonus responded by advancing his entire line forward. A couple of Eumenes LI moved into the center to harry the HI and LDR with missile fire, but then Antigonus attacked on the left with his mounted units. Although Eumenes fell his LI back, Antigonus pressed the left attack, ultimately losing his ELE. After Eumenes moved his left LI into a defensive position, Antigonus advanced his LI across the field into forward positions, then followed with himself in an all out Inspired LDR+4 on the left, bringing himself and his HC and MC into battle. When the dust had settled, Antigonus had picked up three banners and the score was suddenly 3-2. Eumenes responded with a Mounted Charge, driving Antigonus back and heavily damaging his HC. Antigonus charged back in to support his AUX on the left, but they failed to kill the ELE. Finally Eumenes double timed his center line into action. Shifting to the left, they eliminated three cavalry units, including shooting the horses out from under Antigonus himself twice. After evading to a nearby HI, Antigonus ordered his band of HI and advanced into the center. Antigonus himself on a HI attacked an opposing LDR on his own HI, doing 2 block damage to both. Eumenes played a Counter Attack and brought two HI against Antigonus’s damaged unit, killing it and then him in the ensuing single die LDR Check. It was a surprise quick ending to a wide ranging and uncertain battle.

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File Name: OT24-5-1.vlog
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Marco (Antigonus) 7
kwofford (Eumenes) 6

The battle opened with an Order Lights, a Counter Attack, and finally a Move-Fire-Move, so both sides enjoyed arrow showers in the morning, to no significant effect other than to get the LI where everyone wanted them. After moving his right LDR from LC to MI, Antigonus endured more arrows from a nice Darken the Sky, which left the LDR on a two block MI. Then a Line Advance brought Antigonus’s entire Infantry forward. Eumenes brought forward units on the right, but Antigonus fell back there, and connected his line across the rest of the field to center and left. After Eumenes advanced on the left, Antigonus used an Order Heavy to bring his entire HI into the center, backing the line himself with his HC on the left. Not to be outdone, Eumenes played the same command, bringing his HI forward to the center and attacking with his ELE on the right. The ELE had no effect, and ran off three hexes to the rear. After some LI positioning and missile fire on both sides of the center, Eumenes had constructed a continuous line almost completely across the field, while Antigonus was divided into two groups, left and right. Eumenes advanced a group of three HI against their counterparts, eliminating one HI for first blood. An attack by Antigonus next turn netted two banners, but was ultimately blunted by a well timed First Strike which sent the LDR running to the rear. Not good for Antigonus. Eumenes followed with his HC to the center to eliminate another HI, taking the score to 3-2 and placing all four LDRs in adjacent hexes. Antigonus used a Mounted Charge to bring forward all his cavalry, surrounding Eumenes himself on his HC. Eumenes survived and escaped, but his fellow LDR didn’t, and the score went to 5-4 Antigonus. Eumenes followed with an Inspired Left LDR+4, and then a Mounted Charge which brought all his cavalry and both ELE into play. Although he killed an MC, the ELE died against the fully bolstered HI. Score was now 6-5. An Order Mounted by Eumenes brought his other ELE into play, which finished off a badly wounded MI and sent his LDR running off the field. Unfortunately the MA BCC for the ELE did not succeed , and it fell to the BattleBack, leaving the field to Antigonus. Thanks kwofford for a tense game to the end.

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File Name: OT24-5-2.vlog
File Size:1,104 KB
Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by Marco.

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