Round 5

6 months 3 days ago #70457 by Viridovilas
Replied by Viridovilas on topic Round 5
Match 1

Viridovilas (Antigonus)  7 banners won

Polonus100 (Eumenes)  6 banners won

Match 2

Polonus100 (Antigonus)  6 banners won

Viridovilas (Eumenes)  7 banners won

As the score highlights well, they were both very close and tough battles

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5 months 4 weeks ago - 5 months 4 weeks ago #71238 by Cavie
Replied by Cavie on topic Round 5
Match 1
Player 1 (Antigonus) scipio1zama, 4 banners won

Player 2 (Eumenes) Cavie, 7 banners won

Elephants had their time of charging in and defending to do some damage as they should. The lights of Eumenes had many accurate shots to weaken Antigonus and set up the final blows. Some of those shots were accurate enough to take out light cavalry on the Antigonus side with rolled banners. 7 banners is a long game but this is still a fun scenario even at that length.

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Last edit: 5 months 4 weeks ago by Cavie.

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5 months 4 weeks ago - 5 months 4 weeks ago #71239 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic Round 5
Round 5, Game 1, Paratacene
Mattia, Antigonus, 3 banners, 34 blocks lost. SteveT, Eumenes, 7 banners, 17 blocks lost
Battle started with clashes on both flanks. On Eumenes’ left flank the melee led to the loss of a MC each (both having been trapped, with Eumenes’ leader managing an escape) and of Eumenes’ elephants, but with Antigonus’ cavalry down to one block each; on the other flank there was exchange of missile fire with Antigonus losing 2 LC to flags (2-3). Antigonus’ infantry held off Eumenes’ right flank cavalry (3-4) and then the great centre infantry clash occurred, but with Eumenes having better cards (3-7)
Round 5, Game 2, Paratacene
Steve T,  Antigonus, 7 banners, 12 blocks lost. Mattia, Eumenes, 1 banner, 21 blocks lost
Battle was mainly fought on the flanks with cavalry and light infantry fighting, while the phalanxes largely glowered at each other from a safe distance. The dice gods very much favoured  Antigonus with the victory.Thanks to Mattia for two fun and well played games

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and well played games!
Last edit: 5 months 4 weeks ago by stephent. Reason: formatting

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #71262 by David I
Replied by David I on topic Round 5
Game 1 

Player 1 KAndras78 (Antigonus)  :  7
Player 2 David I        (Eumenes)  :  3

The scribes were drunk and didn't wake up until after the Eumenid elephants were butchered. There was then much light-hearted tossing of javelins, shooting of arrows and general horsing around before a brilliant cavalry encirclement of Eumenes depleted left flank light foot delivered the win to Antigonus.


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Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by David I.

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #71263 by David I
Replied by David I on topic Round 5

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Game 2

Player 1 David I ( Antigonus) : 7
Player 2 KAndras78 ( Eumenes) : 2

A similar game with a similar outcome, decided by a cavalry encirclement on Eumenes left flank. I made a suicidal light cavalry charge against an elephant followed by AK's arguably even more damaging mis-scheduled attack on a weakened medium cav, which escaped, on the other flank and then Antigonus's heavy cavalry killed an evading MC and took the leader as well for the last two banners. Not much action for the massed heavy infantry on both sides. Elephants were the only victims of Antigonus's aux and medium foot, although Eumenes was about to unleash a firestorm had that leader gotten away. Antigonus had two Line Commands and Eumenes had two Double Times from the outset. Only one of each was played in 11 turns. Eumenes was not favoured with cards to allow him to use his light and mounted troops to full effect whereas Antigonus had two Order Lights from the deal.

It was a pleasure meeting Andras over the keyboard.
Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by David I.

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #71346 by Cavie
Replied by Cavie on topic Round 5
Match 2
Player 1 (Cavie) Antigonus - 7 banners won
Player 2 (scipio1zama) Eumenes - 5 banners won

A nice game that showed the balance of both sides. Elephants helped Mike (Eumenes) take out some units including 3 re rolls on a heavy to eliminate it. More juggling of lines in this game with the Antigonus cavalry finishing the game off. Lots of fun and enjoyable to play with Mike again!
Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by Cavie. Reason: adding log file

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5 months 3 weeks ago #71564 by taliapharaoh
Replied by taliapharaoh on topic Round 5
Mark McG vs. taliapharaoh

Round 5, match 1

Mark McG - Antigonid - 1 

taliapharaoh - Eumenes - 7

Mark quickly gained the upper hand in turn one, with a nice MFM which weakened my right by trampling those unfortunate units behind the elephants. I was lucky to be able to first counter that move by closing on his lights, and then even more so by a very lucky DTS which eliminated a 2nd unit and regained the initiative. Suffice it to say the gods were on the sides of the Eumenes army on this day, the proper sacrifices clearly had been made, both in cards and especially dice. I was able to break up the enemy center with a FS card and then incredible bb dice for a 5-1 lead. As my good fortune continued, all that remained was to isolate the last victory banners for the win.

Round 5, match 2

taliapharaoh - Antigonid - 7

Mark McG - Eumenes - 6

As usual, a very different type of game in match two, and Mark nearly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. The infantry center, which had played such a big role in the previous game, barely participated in this battle. I tried to replicate Mark's success against the elephants on turn one, to no avail, and tried to blunt his counter with my light units on my left. This was a battle of maneuver, and my fortunate ability to move my cavalry while Mark's hand stalled out proved to be the difference, along with some well-timed range hits on his HC. Sitting comfortably with a 5-3 lead, I went for the kill and almost lost the match. Playing a MC card, I was stopped short of getting either banner by some missed rolls, and Mark made me pay, coming within a leader check of winning the game. I was ultimately able to hold on to a narrow 7-6 win by pushing some lights off of the map edge on my enemy's left.

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5 months 3 weeks ago - 5 months 3 weeks ago #71632 by Javelinthrower
Replied by Javelinthrower on topic Round 5
Match 1

BradJ (Antigonus)  1 banner won
Javelinthrower (Eumenes)  7 banners won

A very one-sided game. I was lucky with constant special orders and dice favored me more often than not. The positioning for Brad was often somewhat unlucky. After the initial ranged exchange, the left flank became the primary battlegrounds. Antigonus has the only elephant there, so shooting it with a very green Eumenes flank was easy, preparing for a possible mounted assault, if needed. LI evaded any attempts at close combat, and elephant charge into that greenery was a bit misjudged, as it led to losing an elephant. A follow-up on Brad's side with Double time featuring two AUX and one HI without leader was not lucky, again, because of green units, and it put them in range of my own elephant and cavalry. After that the centre remained weakened and still moved closer, once again positioning them too close to the elephant. In the end only a couple of lucky leaders survived on the backside, lost wothout their troops.

Match 2

Javelinthrower (Antigonus)  6 banners won
BradJ (Eumenes)  7 banners won

Once again, this cursed flank. This time both flanks got more action with a lot of shooting. Both my and Brad's elephants got injured but survived. I attempted to gather a stronger fist with 2 AUX and an Elephant, but a charge left it barely alive with 1 and 2 blocks, and so at once useless and vulnerable. Gathering forces from the centre with a double time (this time with two leaders) and striking at a weakened infantry and badly positioned cavalry allowed Eumenes to get 4 banners in one turn, gaining a lead. Any attempts on my part to try and maneuver the other flank with light cavalry in a useful position only further opened opportunities for attack. In the end, there were far too many holes opened, and 1-bloc light cav, safely positioned on the back row, still fell to enemy cav.

Overall, in my opinion both games show that Antigonus' forces are made up and initialy positioned favoring the opponent strongly. Still, was pretty fun to exchange the winning side.

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Last edit: 5 months 3 weeks ago by Javelinthrower.

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5 months 3 weeks ago #71806 by rams1984
Replied by rams1984 on topic Round 5
rjorge. Do msg me for our match.

My ID is rams1984 on discord n vassal 

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5 months 3 weeks ago #71929 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic Round 5
Match 1
Antigonus- Gheintz    7 banners
Eumenes - PCScipio42  4 banners

Eumenes got off to a bad start and Geoff was quick to capitalize going up 3-0, killing one elephant unit in the process. Eumenes used some good cards and hot dice to eventually tie it up at 4-4. Antigones used "I am Sparty" to go up 5-4. Eumenes tried an elephant charge but it was killed in battle back. Antigonus then used an elephant charge of his own to win 7-4.


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