Round 3 Game 1stephent, Volscian, 6 banners, 19 blocks lostBoredbeyondbelief, Roman, 4 banners, 28 blocks lostThe Romans double timed forward with the legions in the centre, resulting in a chaotic and bloody central melee with the loss of four banners each over several turns. Then a band of Volscian warriors and cavalry attacked the isolated Roman right flank light infantry and medium cavalry, scoring the winning two banners. The game could have gone the other way if there had been one more move for Rome.
Round 3 Game 2Boredbeyondbelief, Volscian, 6 banners, 31 blocks loststephent, Roman, 5 banners, 25 blocks lostMy Romans prepared the advance with line advance and then the legions double timed forward, and with the help of poor Volscian cards and dice (but a rally that ordered no Romans!), were ahead 2-5, but with many Roman units down to 1 or 2 blocks. Over-confident, I then threw away a Roman 1 block HI that was destroyed in the battle back after bravely attacking a supported Volscian Auxila (3-5). At this point the cavalry were ordered forward to mop up. The Volscians struck first, destroying a one block Roman MI (4-5). The two block Roman cavalry, led by Furius, rode into the Volscian rear and attacked a one block Volscian Auxila – and were hit by First Strike and destroyed, with Furius dying at the head of his troops (6-4).Thanks to Eric for two fun games, and for getting up at 5am so we could play our match before he went away.