
10 months 2 weeks ago #56331 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic Round1
Deadline is coming up fast now.. 31 March.
Updated the table today, so if you can't see aresult listed, I don't have it.

Please get your matches played ASAP.

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #56425 by Milla
Replied by Milla on topic Round1
Match 1 

Milla (Vitellian) 5 banners
RiverWanderer (Othonian) 4 banners

Both sides started with some ineffective ranged fire.  The Othonian warriors then charged into battle, which resulted in them being routed.

The Vitellian centre pushed forward, destroying one Othonion unit and pushing several others back. A counter attack led by the Praetorian Guard saw them taking heavy losses and resulted in one Vitellian heavy infantry and one Othonian medium infantry being defeated. Further skirmishing in the centre led to the destruction of the Praetorian Guard.

Advances on the Othonian left flank wiped out the Vitellian cavalry and auxilia.  Both sides were now level on 4 victories.

The two heavy infantry on the Vitellian left flank now advanced into battle. Skirmishes between them and the Othonion medium infantry ended with a loss of one of the Othonians and victory to the Vitellians.
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by Milla.

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10 months 1 week ago #56440 by Marco
Replied by Marco on topic Round1
taliapharaoh - Vitellian - 2
Marco - Othonian - 5

Note: For clarity, I use “Left” and “Right” to refer to the left and right side of the map, not to each players left or right flank.

Summary: Vitellian was the aggressor on the right and center and took more blocks, but Othonian managed to run his heavily damaged units out of danger and take enough banners for the victory.

The battle began with both sides maneuvering Lights, Othonian for missile fire, and Vitellian mostly advancing on the right but also bringing up units on the left. Vitellian continued on the right with a DoubleTime, eliminating a LB, doing heavy damage to an MI, and leaving Othonian with no right flank. Othonian pushed back in the center, eliminating an HI but sustaining heavy damage to another MI. Vitellian continued his center attack, but failed to take any banners. Othonian pushed back, destroying Vitellian’s HI but failing to take out Vitellian himself, despite two LDR checks. Now neither side had any strength on the right.

Vitellian then brought up his HI to the center, gaining more blocks but again no banners. Othonian answered by bringing up his own center HI, finishing off a Aux but failing a single die LDR check on Vitellian. Vitellian continued to bring his units to the center, while Othonian concentrated on saving his many heavily damaged units. More action on the center/left cost Othonian an MI but chased off the MC. Vitellian now turned to the center for an all-in attack on the Praetorians, but they held and destroyed the HI on a BB and also their LDR for the 5-2 win.

Marco - Vitellian - 5
taliapharaoh - Othonian - 2

Summary: Othonian maneuvered his left and right flanks into good position, advanced his line, but again failed to secure banners. Vitellian took damage and looked exposed, but a lucky Rally followed by a DoubleTime secured the victory.

The battle began with Othonian wisely burning a MountedCommand to maneuver his MC and LDR Titianus. As in the first game, Vitellian brought up his LI on the left and right. Othonian maneuvered on the left and center, bringing his HI and WARS forward. Vitellian answered with pressure on the right, seeking to take advantage of the LDRless units there. Crafty Othonian refused the right, bring his MI to the center and the embrace of LDR Titianus there. Vitellian brought units to the center, creating an unbroken line across the battlefield. Both players used LineCommands, taking blocks but no banners. Othonian Counterattacked the LineCommand, eliminating an AUX but taking damage to an HI and an MI. Vitellian CounterAttacked the CounterAttack LineCommand (you have to be a CCA junkie to understand that) destroying an MI. Othonian attacked in the center, doing damage but failing to secure a banner and losing an HI.

Vitellian sacrificed to the Gods and they answered. Rallying four blocks to his damaged MI and HI, he then eliminated two MI in the center. Othonian answered on the left, finishing off a heavily damaged Aux. but Vitellian DoubleTimed in the center, cutting off the LB and finishing them with HI.

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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #56565 by RiverWanderer
Replied by RiverWanderer on topic Round1
Match 2

Riverwanderer (Vitellian) # banners won 5

Milla (Othonian) # banners won 1

The Othonian right led a general advance towards the Vitellian lines that continued through the game.

The Vitellians were able to take advantage of the resulting positions to gain 3 early banners from the weaker Othonian right flank, with another coming soon after from a melee attack on the opposite flank. The final clash came in the centre, where the Othonians attacked in force to gain a banner but at the cost of a weakened heavy unit that fell to the next Vitellian turn.

A fast paced game, as medium and heavy units were soon engaged in melee combats with leaders in support.
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by RiverWanderer.

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10 months 1 week ago #57174 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic Round1
Game 1
TTC (Vitellian) 2 banners
PCScipio42 (Othonian) 5 banners

Otho jumped to a quick 2-0 lead as Treb left an aux unit with no retreat path in range of the cav unit and support. But was score was tied as the weakened units from that that combat were killed off. Otho used a line command and a double time to get in contact and with some hot dice secured the next 3 banners.

Game 2
PCScipio42 (Vitellian) 5 banners
TTC (Othonian) 4 banners

Otho again went up 2-0 and then score was tied up. The Guard paid dividends for Otho and went up 4-2 with killing a Vitellian leader. Score was tied 4-4 and Otho had a couple of rolls to win but did not get them. A timely Clash of Shields card saved the day for Vitellius.

Good, quick scenario, enjoyed it. First time for Treb playing this system, he picked it up quick.

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10 months 1 week ago #57176 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic Round1

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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #57450 by Polonus100
Replied by Polonus100 on topic Round1
Match 1
Polonus100 (Vitellian)  5 banners won
RJorge (Othonian)  1 banner won
Decisive victory held by Vitellian forces. Continuous push on the stronger Left Wing destroyed opposite forces and repelled counterattack by Othonian Warriors.

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Match 2
RJorge (Vitellian)  4 banners won
Polonus100 (Othonian)  5 banners won
This time battle was more balanced. First, Othonians managed to withdraw its endangered Right Wing towards Center and attacked by Double Time advancing and exposed for flanking Vitelian's Center with lucky result. Leader of Vitellian Center fell in battle (3-0). In desperation Vitellians used "I Am Spartacus" in very good result both in choosing units and in combat. It was 3-4 for Vitellians. Cavalry Charge by Otho gave banner for 4-4 but exposed charging cavalry to counterattack with flanking and cutting off path of retreat. Unlucky roll for Vitellians gave possibility for opponent to destroy flanking L unit with Vitellius, but he had no cards for strong response. L unit with Vitellius (1 block) managed to survive and Vitellian H unit without Leader support again attacked Othonian force cutting off Vitellius' path of retreat. Without success and Otho made "coup de grâce ".    

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File Name: OT2024R1G2POLJOR.vlog
File Size:925 KB

Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by Polonus100.

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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #57478 by FoxK
Replied by FoxK on topic Round1
FoxK - lunacab

Match 1
FoxK (Vitellian) - lunacab (Othonian)

Match 2
FoxK (Othonian) - lunacab (Vitellian)
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by FoxK.

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