Rd 2
rjvonline (Slaves, 4, 25 blocks lost) vs Rams84 (Rome, 6, 17 blocks lost)
Good start for the slaves (3-0), but their attack ran out of steam, and the turn of the game was when 7 Warrior dice on an isolated 4 block AUX (or maybe even 3) on its rear line failed to kill it, and then 1 of the warrior units got trapped and killed. Romans eventually won 6-4 with some good cards and die rolls.
rjvonline (Rome, 6, 23 blocks lost) vs Rams84 (Slaves, 6, 24 blocks lost)
The slaves again attacked early, but did not achieve much. Roman counter-attacks from both wings nabbed a number of warrior units. Some desperate slave cavalry actions (charging LC) scored a unit or 2 before the Romans ended it having killed all warrior units.
We were plagued with a bug in the second game that resulted in cards being drawn from the Roman hand by the Slave player (as much as we could tell)! Thus I noticed I had lost 1 card from my hand (DT), and it so happened that DT was the card Rams84 drew. It happened again a couple of times.
Also, Rams was convinced that HWM must evade. My reading is that they may, but if they do they're gone. We played it as he said, and frankly even if I'm right and it's optional, it may still be the better tactic!
Note that the block count above includes 2 blocks for the HWM having evaded "out" of the field, although actual hits were 1 against Rams and none against mine.