OT2022 Round 3

2 years 8 months ago #4282 by rjvonline
Replied by rjvonline on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 1:rjvonline (Slaves)  6 vs GomJabbar (Romans ) 3

It started well for me with a cavalry charge on the Roman left flank, but then my cavalry leader got carried away on the bonus move, and not only his unit was eliminated the next turn due to a lack of retreat (and 2 flags), but he was himself killed (or captured). For a while after the Romans had the advantage, but I managed to save weakened units, plug my my line, and come back in the game with a couple of warrior units, killing a Roman leader for my last banner.


Game 2: rjvonline (Romans) 6 vs GomJabbar (Slaves ) 3

In the second game, my Romans threw themselves pele-mele (no line whatsoever!) at the enemy, and managed a 6-3 victory, with the last banner gained on a battle back that killed a full-strength AX. I didn't even get to use the very topical I'm Spartacus card in the next turn :-(  


Thanks to Brad for a pair of good games.


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2 years 8 months ago #4284 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 1 - Ken to report
Game 2
Steve Slaves = 6
KWofford Romans = 1
The slaves began with a cavalry attack on the Roman left, and after two turns had destroyed a Roman light and an auxilia, with the Roman cavalry fleeing the field (3-0). The Romans then moved forwards in the centre, and were met by the the Slaves' warriors and medium infantry. In the ensuing melee, the Slaves lost a medium infantry, and the Romans two medium infantry and a leader (6-1).
Ken fought hard but was handicapped by an ineffective first strike and a poor I Am Spartacus roll in the crucial central melee. Thanks for a great pair of games, with the first one being a nail biter fought to the finish!

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2 years 8 months ago #4285 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2022 Round 3

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2 years 7 months ago #4286 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 1 Azzy (Slaves) 6
PCScipio (Romans) 2

Roman plan to lure out Slave right flank units backfired when the Roman counterattack blew up in their faces. Azzy used well timed cards and dice to clean up the Roman left and win 6-2.

Game 2 PCScipio (Slaves) 6
Azzy (Romans) 3

I was the beneficiary of the dice gods this time and had good cards. Azzy heavily reinforced his right and forced me to move my leaders to my left and center taking my leader away from my cav and potential mounted +1 cards. Slaves prevailed 6-3 as they had good dice and cards.

Good tense games that were closer than the scores indicated.

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2 years 7 months ago #4287 by PCScipio42
Replied by PCScipio42 on topic OT2022 Round 3

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2 years 7 months ago #4290 by EZPickins
Replied by EZPickins on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 1 
EZPickins (Rome) 6 banners
ScipioZama (Slaves) 3 banners

The Slaves advanced on the Roman right but I was able to respond with Double Time and a Line card to force them back with heavy losses. They regrouped and launched a  another assault inflicting enough casualties to even the count. Meanwhile his MCs advanced on my left for some success before they were eliminated. He had a chance to take out two 1 sp units but the dice failed him and I was able to get my last banner for the win in the next turn. A good game where I had the benefit of better luck.

Game 2
EZPickins (Slaves) 6 banners
ScipioZama (Rome) 4 banners

I opened with the two MCs on my right attacking the Roman left and killing two units. He then began to close with back to back Line Commands. I responded with Double Time. In the ensuing melees he got the best of me and we were tied at three banners. I played Inspired Leadership to kill two more and regain the lead. I had several units at one sp but bad luck on his part spared them and I had the good luck to use one of them to finish him off. Like the first game I was the luckier but we both had a fun time.



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2 years 7 months ago #4291 by kwofford
Replied by kwofford on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 1:
kwofford (Slave)-6 Banners
StevenT (Rome)-5 Banners

The Slave army started with a timely line command, allowing them to advance off their baseline and thicken up their lines at the flanks. The Romans responded in kind, and a lengthy missile barrage ensued.  A charge by the right flank of the slave army ended the skirmishing by partially enveloping the Roman left flank. Salvius personally led his troops in splitting off and further enveloping the roman left flank, while a grinding battle of attrition developed on the Roman right.  Unfortunately the Roman resolve was just just not strong enough and Salvius squeaked out a win. 

Thanks again, Stephen!

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2 years 7 months ago #4292 by Sir Kral
Replied by Sir Kral on topic OT2022 Round 3
Game 2

Carl (Slaves) 6 Banners
Travis (Romans) 4 Banners

Following a 0-6 rout in our first game (report to follow), I had the chance for some revenge. Dice were kinder and cards better too. The slaves attacked the Roman left flank, and a warrior charge attack managed to "vaporize" an entire full MI and its general before the Mediums had a chance to demur. With support from the slave MC the Roman left flank was rolled up. Counterattacks managed to start to even up, but a final move medium troops finished the day.


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2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 7 months ago #4293 by Marco
Replied by Marco on topic OT2022 Round 3
OT 2022 - Round 3
Marco (Slaves) 6
MarkMcG (Romans) 5

Play started slowly, with Slaves arranging Lights and Romans initiating an advance on the left. Both sides continued to advance and move towards the center, until the Romans closed with a Line Advance and blocks started to be taken. A Clash of Shields by the Slaves then yielded two MI Banners, at a cost of one AUX. A further advance on the Left flank by the Romans had little effect and cost them an MC. The Romans then turned to their trusted MI in the center, and Slave Banners began to fall. An Order Med brought the legendary Roman troops to bear with devastating results. Three Slave AUX fell in rapid succession, one from a Med Cavalry triple green roll. Both Generals commented “Wow!” in the message bar. The score was then Romans 4-3. Two Slave WARs charged an unsupported MI in response, doing heavy damage but failing to take it. A subsequent Sparticus command by the Romans destroyed one of the Slave WARs, making it a 5-3, one banner game for the Romans. Finally, the Slave Leader Salvius stepped into battle. Leading his last remaining WARs and MI, he advanced against a full strength Roman MI which was shielding two other heavily damaged units. That unit was destroyed, but the single block MI behind it managed to retreat from the momentum advance of the full strength WAR. Hard luck for the Slaves! A one block Roman AUX was easily eliminated next, taking the score to 5-5, with one attack by the Slaves left in the turn. Salvius himself attacked the remaining Roman MC, and managed to destroy the evading unit with a lucky two color hit. The Slaves take three banners in the final turn to claim victory.

Game 2
Marco (Romans) 6
MarkMcG (Slaves) 4

The Slaves immediately ordered their flanks to maneuver AUX on the right, and advance the LDR Athenion with both MC to battle against the Roman LI trapped on the left. The Romans survived and regrouped, but Athenion used his leadership to press the attack, eliminating the Roman LI and MC. Suddenly it was Slaves 2-0 on turn two. But a CounterAttack by the Romans immediately cut off and surrounded the overextended Athenion and shot his horse out from under him. He then survived a single die LDR check, a two die LDR escape attack, and then missile fire on his way back to his troops. He was skipping arrows while dodging across the battlefield. Another turn and the remaining Slave MC was lost, taking the score to 2-2. While the Romans regrouped their mangled lines, the Slave LDR Salvius suddenly shifted from his MI in the center, to an AUX on the far right. While the Romans brought their line into order, Salvius advanced with his other AUX, raining missile fire before him. Then the entire Slave army  Line Advanced forward, bringing the center and right flank WARs into range. The Romans grouped around their LDRs and braced for the assault, but the attack never came. The Slaves issued another Line Command, but this time only Salvius on the right advanced. Athenion, by this time on the far left, withdrew, along with the dreaded WARs. The Romans fell into battle line formation, the steadfast MI two units deep across the center, with LDRs on additional MI to the rear. Salvius advanced and attacked on the right with WARs and AUX, destroying a Roman AUX and doing damage to an MI. The Romans released their MI with a DoubleTime, but the assault was thwarted by a perfectly timed First Strike, which carried away a Roman MI and sent its LDR scrambling to the safety of a nearby LI. He was last seen standing in a loincloth with the other light troops. The score was now Slaves 4-2. Salvius again advanced on the right to battle directly against two Roman MI, but his AUX and the weakened WAR next to him were unable to eliminate either unit. Finally the Romans unleashed all their MEDs with a Troops command and attacked the Slave AUX in force. Two AUX and Salvius himself were killed. Suddenly it was 5-4, a one Banner game for the Romans. The Slaves used a third Line Command, but with Athenion out of range to the rear on the left, and no LDR on the right, they had little effect. A Roman DoubleTime brought fresh MI directly into the center of the Slave line, taking the last banner for victory. 

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Last edit: 2 years 7 months ago by Marco.

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2 years 7 months ago #4294 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2022 Round 3
Deadline is coming up on 22 May, 4 days away..
lot of unreported matches, so please get cracking!

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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