Round 5 Game 1
spleen1980 (Macedonians) 7 banners
taliapharaoh (Spartans) 5 banners
I had a very good starting hand (Mounted, Charge, Rally, Line Command) and I quickly advanced forming a very compact line.
The spartans seems not intimidated and they draw the first blood with ranged fire and close combat.
The spartan army is soon split in two: on the left side an heroic macedonian auxilia unit survives three rounds of attacks, dealling little damange in the battle back, but slowing the progress of the enemy. On the right side a bold attack of the Spartans hoplites eliminates the heavy infantry of the macedonian army, but they end exposed and almost surrounded. I use a double time to surround the hoplites, killing also the leader during his escape.
Then, I try to protect my weakest unit and my leader, while the Spartans try to take down more units: the result is a series of inconclusive dice rolls, bloody battle backs, a very unlucky I Am Spartan for the Spartans and a Macedonian successful counterattack. We both need 2 banners to win. Travis attacks Antipater, the heavy infantry suffers hits, but stays in place and gathers 1 banner. I close the match with a Mounted Charge, launching a med infantry against a 1 block auxilia. Thanks to Travis for reminding me I could do the momentum advance and the bonus attack.
Round 5 Game 2
spleen1980 (Spartans) 6 banners
taliapharaoh (Macedonians) 7 banners
The beginning seems very promising for the Spartans. The fight is all on the right flank, where the hoplites deal a lot of damage. Again, Travis is very, very unlucky with the I Am Spartan card, which allows him to active only two units, not in useful positions.
I have 5 banners, Travis has 3, but the fight now is all about the left flank: I have only three units on the left, against a big and compact line of Macedonians. The turning point of the match is an attack of a med cavalry against Agis III: his soldiers take little damage, but he falls from the horse and break his neck.
On the right flank I try to deal damage, but the Macedonian units run away and are impossible to catch.
My survivors on the left, without the lead of Agis, are in real danger. At some point, my med infantry lures Antipater into a trap (first strike!), but it is completly inconclusive (1 hit only...), but in the next round a Clash of Shields allows an auxilia unit on the hill to take revenge on Antipater.
It 6 - 6 now. My two auxilia on the left begin an endless and unbelievable retreat: I think it took 8 turns for Travis to catch them, I just had all the cards I needed to flee.
I launch a final desperate attack with my light cavalry, which dies in the battle back giving the victory banner to Travis.
Very fun games! Thanks again Travis!