OT2021 Round 3

3 years 7 months ago #3928 by stephent
Replied by stephent on topic OT2021 Round 3

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #3929 by Polonus100
Replied by Polonus100 on topic OT2021 Round 3
No contact with Stanislav27 from first week of May. Does anybody know, what's the matter is?
Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Polonus100.

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3 years 7 months ago #3930 by LiamBN
Replied by LiamBN on topic OT2021 Round 3
Still no reply that I can see from Danilo on the forum PM or email? When was last contact had? Hoping all is well.

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #3931 by rjvonline
Replied by rjvonline on topic OT2021 Round 3
Renaud (Sertorian) - 6 banners

David (Roman) - 1 banner

[Roundtrip: Renaud 12 - David 6]

A very tense game of CCA for a tourney. This was the return game of the Baetis River scenario, which I had won 6-5 in extremis in the first leg as the Romans. This time we played nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes and there was only 1 unit loss on each side. Except for 2 HI and 1 MC, the Sertorians only have light units (including 1 LC and 2 AUX), while the Romans have a lot of MI including 2 Warrior units, so the Sertorians need to shoot well and I didn't (as in 20 dice rolled and not 1 hit). But the Romans seemed timid (not the right cards?). Finally after 1h45, I played a Double-Time card that I had held since the beginning, bringing my two HI, including 1 led by Sertorius to contact. Now I rolled well! 3 enemy MI units vaporized, along with 1 Roman leader. Next I followed up with Inspired Leadership, and killed another enemy MI for my 6th and final VP. I didn't even have to roll my my other HI and MC attacks... 6-1. Woof!


Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by rjvonline.

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3 years 7 months ago #3932 by DanieleC
Replied by DanieleC on topic OT2021 Round 3
Round 3, Game 2 :
Daniele C – Sertorians : 6
Stephen t – Romans : 5

Sertorians starts with fire from lights troops causing retreats of Romans bowmen on both flanks, but no more than this. Romans response is a bold advance of medium troops and early close combat in the center causing the first losses in the Sertorians light ranks (0-2). This allows Sertorians heavy to enter into combat and get the first banner killing a medium (1-2). What follows is a bloody fight in the center where Sertorians lose another light and the Romans a medium, the leader attached to it and two warriors (5-3).
The battle calms down and lights on both sides starts to fire again causing Sertorians to lose a heavy (5-4).
The last part of the battle sees Romans advancing at double time killing the last Sertorians heavy on the field. Now the battle is tied (5-5) and near to end.
“Victory or Death!”, cries Sertorius, ordering the Nameless Leader to charge with his cavalry Fridius’s medium that falls under the hooves of the horses.
6-5 is the final result.
Final thought from Sertorius: I’m not Spartacus, and I should not pretend to be (one blue and one red out of 5 dice)
Thanks to Stephen for both games.

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3 years 7 months ago #3933 by DanieleC
Replied by DanieleC on topic OT2021 Round 3

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #3934 by azzy
Replied by azzy on topic OT2021 Round 3
Mark-McG  (Sertorians)- Azzy (Roman) 1-6The battle began very carefully. Both sides had approximately the same cards and exchanged shots from the flanks, however, without much success. Apparently, heavy rain during the match is to blame))) My key card was Clash of Shields
But in order to get closer, there were not enough cards. Apparently, the opponent's too. The useless shelling continued. After Line Command I realized that something is brewing, perhaps( Duoble Time)

And I decided to move the troops under the first blow in the center, but to cover the generals. My plan worked. Mark killed only one MI, but my Clash of Sheild was cruel. Without HI my legions were unstoppable.

Mark-McG  (Roman)- Azzy (Sertorians) 1-6
The second game was not that interesting. It was a blitz krieg. The combination of First Hit and Double Time made the game. The Romans could not stand the blow to the center. God of dice also was with me.
Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Freeloading-Phill. Reason: Attempted image fix

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #3937 by Stanislav27
Replied by Stanislav27 on topic OT2021 Round 3
Stanislav27 (Sertorian): 6
Polonus100 (Roman): 4

Thanks to Michal for two good battles. Michal will post a summary of the first one, which he won.

In this one, the Sertorian forces were fortunate to survive a relatively early Double Time by Roman Warriors and Medium Infantry in the centre. The unlucky attack failed and the warriors were swiftly dispatched thereafter. The Sertorians raced to a 3-0 lead, but the time spent on saving units on the far right (Roman left) proved costly, as the weakened Roman medium infantry regrouped smartly. The Sertorians gambled it all on winning the battle in a single turn (I felt the gamble was justified by my poor performance in the first game, this being my only chance of snatching two tournament points). The assault almost worked, but Sertorius could only get to 5-0. The Romans now pounced on the overextended Sertorian army and ruthlessly reduced the deficit to 5-4. However, the final Roman move failed. A very unlucky Spartacus roll made it difficult to win the game, and Sertorius personally won the 6th victory banner on the battle-back.

Thanks again, Michal. Definitely a deserved victory. I went way too "YOLO" in the first battle and defeat suits me right.


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Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Stanislav27.

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3 years 7 months ago #3938 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic OT2021 Round 3
Match 1
Scipio1zama (Sertorians) 6 banners
Milla (Romans) 3 banners

Initial clashes, mostly ranged fire, damaged both Roman Warriors and several Sertorian LI Including one eliminated. But the Sertorian HI took out one Warrior and reduced the other to a single block. Ranged fire and melees with evasions consumed more turns. Then in quick succession the Sertorians used a Mounted Charge and an Order Mounted to chase the Roman left flank long-ranged light units to and then across the river. Then a Sertorian Line Command led by two HI with leaders started a big melee in the center, damaging both HI but costing the Romans a MI. A Roman Rally accomplished nothing, allowing a Sertorian Clash of Shields to take out two MI (including one with 4 blocks) and a LB. Score now stood at 5-1. The next Roman attack ran into a First Strike from a HI, reducing the Roman 4-block MI to 1 block. The Romans quickly killed both HI, but a final Sertorian Line Command allowed enough pot-shots at the 1-block MI to take it out for the 6th banner.

Match 2
Scipio1zama (Romans) 6 banners
Milla (Sertorians) 2 banners

My first Roman play was a Leadership card that saw a Warrior get 4 hits (all swords) on a Sertorian LI that could not evade. I wisely (and uncharacteristically) did not advance my Warrior. Four more melees, all on the Roman right, cost the Romans a MI and a Warrior and cost the Sertorians an Aux and a HI reduced to 1 block. The score stood 2-2.

After a Sertorian advance in the center, Roman Medium Troops killed the Sertorian HI on the right and broke up the Sertorian center. A Sertorian Outflanked play produced a lucky Roman battle back that killed the MC. A triple retreat roll against the remaining Roman Warrior w/leader (he only had to take one of the retreats) allowed him to attack again next turn and kill the other Aux AND Sertorius himself for the 5th and 6th banners.

My opponent was valiant, but I was blessed with good cards and good dice rolls.

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3 years 7 months ago - 3 years 7 months ago #3939 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic OT2021 Round 3
Here are the logs files for scipio1zama vs Milla.
Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by scipio1zama. Reason: typo

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