OT 2020 Round 5

4 years 6 months ago #3520 by Mark-McG
OT 2020 Round 5 was created by Mark-McG
OT 2020 Round 5
Scenario: JD08 Gela (405 BC)

OT 2020 Round 5

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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4 years 6 months ago #3521 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT 2020 Round 5
so I've tested out VASSAL 3.3.1 a little, and think there is no ramifications on the Ancients module by upgrading. However, we should all use the same version of VASSAL.
I think we should upgrade ASAP, but any input is welcome.

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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4 years 6 months ago #3541 by mk20336
Replied by mk20336 on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Game 1

MichalK (Carthaginian): 6 banners
TTK (Syracusan): 2 banners

Syracusan decided to save their light troops in first round rather than attack on the other wing. In long run that proved to be futile as Carthage managed to man on time the rampart. The game changing move (at least I see it like this) was moving the Himilco to endangered left wing, where he worked in conjunction with Chariots and Medium infantry.
So long as Syracuse had troops for one-to-one exchanges the game was balanced. Then it was only route and everybody for himself...

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Game 2

MichalK (Syracusan): 6 banners
TTK (Carthaginian): 3 banners

That game showed that this scenario can be played completely differently. I used immediately Double Dime as Syracuse, followed up by Clash of Shields. Yes, I lost one of my light troops at the sea, but moving close to ramparts and in the end occupying them was worth it. Some my attacks were repulsed but again, a critical factor was that Himilco was far from left Carthaginian wing.

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File Name: OT2020_R5_g2.vlog
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Great games and thanks to TTK for playing them so early in the month!

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4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #3545 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Game 1
Joe (Carthaginians): 6
Mark McG (Syracuse): 4

Syracuse was blessed with pretty good cards all game, but fumbled with the dice. Most of the action was on the Syracusan left, pushing over the rampart and deep into the Carthaginians. Syracuse was up 4-2 at this stage. A well played Carthage Line Command reversed the flow of the game, scoring 3 banners in a row. The last gasp from Syracuse fell short, and the response didn't even need the safety play. A stunning reverse.

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Game 2
Mark McG (Carthaginians): 6
Joe (Syracuse): 3

Syracuse played Doubletime first up and moved Heloris and the boys straight into the rampart assault. The trapped Bowmen put up a bit of a struggle, but succumbed. Some desperate scrabbling by Carthage managed to blunt and then turn back this assault, with the Heavy chariots earning their keep. A miserable Carthaginian Darken the Sky didn't do much, but fortunately Joe had a parade of Order 2 Right cards, so Carthage could recover their composure, polish off the LI on the Carthage Right, and coordinate a with the chariots to defeat the Syracusan Left. A very different played game from the first, with all the action on the Syracusan Right this time.

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File Name: R5G2.vlog
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"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca
Last edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Mark-McG.

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4 years 6 months ago #3547 by Stanislav27
Replied by Stanislav27 on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Game 1:

Carthage (spleen1980): 6
Syracuse (Stanislav27): 4

Syracuse opened the battle with extreme confidence, which quickly turned out to be misplaced. A supposedly unstoppable first-turn (i.e. the benefit of surprise) Double-Time with three Heavy Infantry, one Medium Infantry and the leader Heloris was thwarted with the trapped Carthaginian light bow unit losing only a single block. Another Light Infantry unit evaded and only lost two blocks. Carthage re-ordered its central line and the Syracusans pushed again, climbing over the wall. The first Carthaginian casualty was claimed, but the Syracusan line was over-extended and in shambles. (0-1)

After a Carthaginian counter-attack in the centre, the Syracusans tried to advance on the left with limited success, the Carthaginian light slingers holding on with a single block. The Carthaginians now killed the only Syracusan unit that had remained in front of the wall in the centre. With many right-flank cards, the Syracusans began positioning their cavalry, seeking to get a jump on their counterparts, while the Carthaginians seized the initiative on their right own right flank with considerable succes. (3-2)

The Syracusans could feel the battle slipping away so they finally initiated the long-planned Mounted Charge. With three Carthaginian cavalry units at their back line with very limited support, the Syracusans hoped that their Heavy Cavalry would roll up the Carthaginian charriots and riders, with the Light Cavalry poised to kill any remnants. Instead, the manoeuvre turned out to be a complete disaster. Only a single hit was landed, no roll-up ensued. Instead, the Carthaginians responded with their own Mounted Charge, slaughtering the Syracusan heavy cavalry. (4-2)

Syracuse had not been able to order their strong and advanced units in the centre for a long time. So they tried with desperation to seize the initiative on their left flank. But the defense was too strong. Mago inflicted further losses. And though Dionysus inspired a Light Infantry unit to score two kills on depleted Carthaginian units, it proved too little too late. Mago pushed on relentlessly on the Carthaginian right and earned a well-earned victory with the Syracusan centre never having been activated after the first three turns or so. (6-4)

Game 2:

Carthage (Stanislav27): 6
Syracuse (spleen1980): 2

The Syracusans wisely opened the battle by ordering their Light Troops. This allowed Dionysus to advance and the two precariously-placed Light units by the beach to withdraw while shooting. Thus, they escaped the Clash of Shield the Carthaginian general had had prepared for them.

The Syracusans then pushed strongly with their left wing, seeking to overwhelm the Carthaginian right. The light slingers promptly met their end. Himilco led a counter-attack, but in spite of dispatching one of Syracuse's medium infantry units, one of his own Auxilia units fell on the battle-back as well. (1-2).

Bitter fighting continued on the Carthaginian right flank. The defensive works proved highly valuable and one more Syracusan medium infantry unit fell. Mago then unleashed a murderous Double Time with Dionysus' Auxilia barely surviving the clash. The Carthaginians had seized the initiative on that flank and were now pushing forward. (2-2)

As the Syracusans skillfully withdrew with a Move-Fire-Move on their left, they also initiated some probing attacks on the Carthaginian cavalry. This prompted the Carthaginians to re-order their three cavalry units for mutual support while their central units sought to weaken the strong Syracusan infantry formation on the centre-right through missile fire (unsucessfully). Dionysus kept withdrawing, seeking to draw the Carthaginians towards his powerful Heavy Infantry reserve on that wing. Mago felt bold and pushed on in good order, forcing the Light Infantry screen to evade dangerously close to the edge of the battlefield (2-2).

The critical point of the battle had been reached. The Syracusans played I Am Spartacus and were able to order exactly the units it needed (no more, no less). The Syracusan Heavy Infantry charged Mago's heavies with numerical superiority and the extra inspiration from Spartacus. Two hits were not enough, however, with the Carthaginian heavy unit barely maintaining cohesion. It inflicted two hits on the battle-back, which was followed-up with the Clash of Shields the Carthaginians had wanted to use already on turn 1 but had not been able to. This decisively turned the battle. The Syracusan heavy infantry was crushed, Dionysus' depleted Auxilia routed and Dionysus himself forced to flee from the battlefield. (4-2).

It was a race against time for the Syracusans. Opting not to advance on the right or in the centre, they tried to swing over their powerful and hitherto-unengaged formation in the centre-right towards the exhausted and far-advanced Carthaginian right. Combining missile fire with which to slow down this lateral movement as well as mopping-up operations, the Carthaginians kept fighting on. The Syracusans were down to a single three-block Light Infantry unit on their left. (5-2)

With determination (and desperation), the Syracusans tried to move within range of a Mounted Charge (as well as a future Double Time) with their strong units, but the Carthaginian mopping-up pursuit was relentless. A lucky one-die ranged attack produced a banner, which forced the retreating Light Infantry to fall back in disorder. Before the Syracusans could unleash the thunder from the centre, Mago (the hero of the battle) personally took command of a Carthaginian Light Infantry, which promptly defeated the last Syracusan remnant on the far left. (6-2).

Thanks SO much to Alessio for two extremely entertaining battles. There was a lot of drama, countless swings in fortune and initiative and both methodical manoeuvres and hail-Marys galore. I was nervous and entertained from start to finish! My early bad luck in the first battle was definitely compensated by that fateful Spartacus attack, which Mago's unit survived. If it had not, I would surely have lost the second battle too. Super exciting stuff. Really well played, Alessio! Can't wait to play with you again! :-)

Excellent scenario too. Many different options and the wall creates some new situations we don't see too often.

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The following user(s) said Thank You: spleen1980

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4 years 5 months ago #3548 by Andygor
Replied by Andygor on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Game 1Carthage (Andygor) 6Syracuse (scipio1zama) 4Game 2Syracuse (Andygor) 6Carthage (scipio1zama) 4Many thanks to my opponent for a friendly and calm game!

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4 years 5 months ago #3549 by taliapharaoh
Replied by taliapharaoh on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Round 5, game 2

Travis - Carthage - 6 banners
Azzy - Syracuse - 2 banners

In truth, Azzy outplayed me in both games, but didn't get the big rolls on his most aggressive turn of this one, which was a huge turning point in the match.

After getting drubbed 6-2 in the first game, I was hoping to man all hexes of the battlements and make him spill blood trying to take them. This did end up working, but only due to Azzy's unfortunate rolls. He expertly placed his right flank full of heavy units against my left edge of the battlements, but didn't get the hits necessary, and my battle-backs were fierce, as well as my follow-up turn with the chariots.

Even so, I lost two units in the melees, so I needed to be careful not to lose the third, and the opportunity presented itself on the opposite end of the line, when I was able to play a card to engage my HI and claim the final banner.

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4 years 5 months ago #3550 by taliapharaoh
Replied by taliapharaoh on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Gela, Game 1

Azzy - Carthage - 6 Banners
Travis - Syracuse - 2 banners

Despite opening the game with the correct cards to first retreat my LI (we played the beach hexes as impassable), and then gain the battlements with a 2-0 lead on the Syracusan left, my opponents counterattacks were the deciding factor. Twice he made me pay for overly aggressive moves, as this one was decided by his systematic elimination of the 6 left-most Syracusan units. Adding to my demise was my frustration with my overabundance of (useless) center section cards, which got the better of me and prompted me to take a foolish chance, rather than back off and play it safe.

I played right into Azzy's hands, as I moved into a position that he was able to smash with his HI and then chase my units to the board's edge, as I lacked the cards to effectively escape. Well played by my opponent.

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4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #3552 by EZPickins
Replied by EZPickins on topic OT 2020 Round 5
OT 2020 Rnd 5 Game 2

EZpickins (Syracus) 6 Banners
Kfan (Carthage) 3 Banners

The initial attacks by the Syracusan right made no headway. I then switched to my right flank and sent the heavies in. Five banners were gained over several turns with the HC killing or participating in the killing of every one of them. It was eventually taken out but had all but won the game. David did good with what he had and was fun to play.

Game 1

EZpickins (Carthage) 5 banners
Kfan (Syracuse) 6 banners

I don't have the log but as I remember it Carthage got off to a strong start and had an early lead with 3 banners. Syracuse came roaring back on my left flank and came away with a convincing win. David played the better game and deserved the win.
Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by EZPickins. Reason: Added game

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4 years 5 months ago #3553 by Carthage
Replied by Carthage on topic OT 2020 Round 5
Carthage (Syracus) 5 Banners
stormwalker (Carthage) 6 Banners

Game 2:
stormwalker (Syracus) 4 Banners
Carthage (Carthage) 6 Banners

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