OT 2020 Round 1

4 years 10 months ago #3262 by scipio1zama
Replied by scipio1zama on topic OT 2020 Round 1
log File for game 2

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4 years 10 months ago #3264 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Round 1: AC22 Ilorca (211 BC)

Game 1:
Giulio (Carthaginian): 6 banners
Stanislav27 (Roman): 2 banners

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Game 2:
Stanislav27 (Carthaginian): 3 banners
Giulio (Roman): 6 banners

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Both games were about the control of the central hill, and in both games, I managed to take it first. Which gave me a big advantage in the ensuing confrontation, as the scores well represent. Stanislav played competently. He also reminded me about Ancient rules that I tend to forget after having played Medieval extensively ( If it were not for Stanislav, my aux would have attacked with only two dice on several occasions). But the hill advantage and a good hand of cards really gave me an advantage difficult to overcome. It was the first time I played with Stanislav and I really enjoyed it.

I take this occasion to restate something that I said on another forum on this website. In the second game, we had a guest (observer) that was interacting with the interface, pushing various buttons. Probably it is the coronavirus effect, but I see a lot of people online, new to VASSAL and curious about it. Consider that in general, they do not know that their interaction with the interface is propagated to players. This is understandable because this is NOT the usual behavior of a game interface. They do not want to annoy you, they just want to explore. My experience is that it is sufficient to tell them that their activities are seen to have them stop, apologize and remain quiet. If you feel so inclined, you can also send them a private message offering a tutorial or the possibility to play the game with you later. The presence of new curious people is a good thing. It should be taken as an opportunity to expand our community, not an assault to our privacy! And honestly, there is nothing they can do that cannot be undone with the magick clock button in the upper left corner.

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #3265 by mk20336
Replied by mk20336 on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Round 1: AC22 Ilorca (211 BC)

mk20336 (Carthaginian): 6 banners
RoverWanderer (Roman): 3 banners

The first battle was a constant pressure from Carthaginian side - quickly taken over hills in the center, and then probe attacks whenever possible. The game ended in decisive but not crushing Punic victory.

RoverWanderer (Carthaginian): 3 banners
mk20336 (Roman): 6 banners

Another long game, which we had to split into two sessions. Carthage was well planning its attack and depleting Romans significantly (when we stopped first log, I lost 20 blocks while Mark only 10). However, my Romans managed to get high ground of central hills which proved to be decisive at the end of the game.

Many thanks to Mark for playing!

We had a pause in our second game, thus two logs:

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File Name: OT2020_R1_g2.vlog
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File Name: OT2020_R1_g1.vlog
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Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by mk20336.

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #3272 by spleen1980
Replied by spleen1980 on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Game 1

Player 1 Cavie(Carthago): # 5

Player 2 spleen1980 (Rome): #6

I had a very good starting hand with Rally, Counter Attack and Double Time. I decided to play aggressively on the left side: I used the Double Time to move quickly the three inf in the middle (1 hvy, 2 med + leader) to form a continuous line with the light infantry (center and left). Since I had the Rally card I bet that my infantry could sustain the fight against Dan. After a little maneuvering the fight was brutal and concentrated only in the left Roman side. Dan reacted using a lot of good cards: Double Time, Line Command, 2 Cavalry Charges.
The fight was bloody for both sides, Dan was always 1 victory banner ahead of me, I inflicted damage with more with battle backs than with my active commands. Both armies and formations were shaken and disordered, but the best Carthaginians units in the roman left flank were mostly out of the battlefield. On my side: the two med inf were dead, I was left only with light infantry (no aux!), but Scipio and its heavy infantry were still alive. Dan tries to take out a lone light infantry using the cavalry and a warriors: the dice were not on his side, my battle backs were harmless, but now the carthaginian units were overextended and in reach of my light and heavy infantry. After a few fights, Mago died and I took the last winning banner with ranged fire against the carthaginian light cavalry.

Game 2

Player 1 Cavie (Rome): #2

Player 2 spleen1980 (Carthago): #6

I think this game was less interesting the the first. Dan had very bad cards as the Roman player: 2 Cavalry Charge and 1 Order Mounted. He played them pretty soon to build a decent hand. Meanwhile I had time to advance with my center and left forces, taking advantage of the central group of hills, which are perfect for the auxilia infantry. Dan was very very cautious, he was in a very good position to use ranged fire again and again. I used a double time card to hit the roman center with warriors + 2 aux. I took 2 banners and inflicted serious damage to the roman heavy infantry but Hasdrubal and is warriors have 1 block left and retreat on the hills. Then Dan attacked with bravely with his heavy and med in to capture Hasdrubal, but the hills and a lot of luck on my side helped me to survive and fight back. When Scipio died, the fight was downhill for my carthaginians.

Many thanks to Dan for playing.

PLease, pardon my grammar errors, spelling errors and weird phrasing: English is not my mother tongue.

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Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by spleen1980.

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4 years 10 months ago #3273 by Lemming100
Replied by Lemming100 on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Game 1
Player 1 der-mandarin (roman) 6
Player 2 lemming100 (carth) 4

The central hill was a bloodbath with both sides pouring units in and few without missing blocks. Three line commands in the first few plays concentrated the troops on the hill which became a killing ground for all the units lost. A first strike from the Romans turned the tide and then they mopped up weakened units.

Game 2
Player 1 lemming100 (roman) 2
Player 2 der-mandarin (carth) 6

The Romans tried to fight the battle in the pass on their right flank rather than taking to the hills. This turned out to be bad move, although they did claim a leader scalp on a BB2. The Carthaginians were too strong and forced some weak units onto the back line and wiped them out.

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File Name: AC22Ilorca...man.vlog
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The following user(s) said Thank You: der_mandarin

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4 years 10 months ago #3274 by gottoman
Replied by gottoman on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Game 1
Greg O (Rome) 6 banners
EZ (Carthage) 2 Banners

Game 2
Greg O (Carthage) 6 Banners
EZ (Rome) 5 Banners

Sorry for the delay in posting, has been a busy week and will not give a blow by blow, just the result. Files are available for those interested in the blow by blow.

Greg Ottoman

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #3275 by Viridovilas
Replied by Viridovilas on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Soul1st (Carthage) 5
Viridovilas (Rome) 6

Carthaginians started attacking on their left flank, trying to take the hill on that side, but a few lucky rolls from the Roman repulsed the two Hasdrubal army. The Punic Generals didn’t give up and with a brilliant cavalry manoeuvre put the Gneus Scipio army in a bad situation. Again a few lucky rolls made the day for the Romans, that even wounded Hasdrubal Barca after defeating the heavy infantry he was in command.

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Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Viridovilas.

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #3279 by LeonardoAngelo
Replied by LeonardoAngelo on topic OT 2020 Round 1
1 game
DigitalDick (Cartago) 6 - LeonardoAngelo 4 (Rome)

2 game
DigitalDick (Rome) 4 - LeonardoAngelo 6 (Cartago)
Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by LeonardoAngelo.

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4 years 10 months ago #3280 by soul1st
Replied by soul1st on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Viridovilas (Carthage) 2
Soul1st (Rome) 6

Most part of the battle was each army trying to position in the best possible way and meanwhile performing ranged attacks. Eventually the Romans where able to force a breaktrough on their right with a heavy unit, medium unit, an auxilliary and a light unit. This was possible because of the speed the Romans got with two double time cards. Carthage launched a counterattack with their warriors. Luck was at this point on the Roman side and they managed to win the battle.

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4 years 10 months ago #3281 by soul1st
Replied by soul1st on topic OT 2020 Round 1
Viridovilas (Carthage) 2
Soul1st (Rome) 6

Most part of the battle was each army trying to position in the best possible way and meanwhile performing ranged attacks. Eventually the Romans where able to force a breaktrough on their right with a heavy unit, medium unit, an auxilliary and a light unit. This was possible because of the speed the Romans got with two double time cards. Carthage launched a counterattack with their warriors. Luck was at this point on the Roman side and they managed to win the battle.

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