Game 1
MichalK (Britons) 6 banners won
GregO (Rome) 3 banners won
As Britons I had perfect cards whole game to move my chariots - and I played to have possibility always to move them. Not surprising, they scored 5 banners. Of course MC in first turn for Britons is a no-brainier (I had it), but then couple of other cards allowed me to continue the push - despite steady advance of MI and HI. One miracle occurred (HI attacking my lonely leader and not scoring a hit) and game was finished by 3 Warriors ganging up on some Roman figures. To some extend I had more luck then wisdom (see leader situation).
Game 2
Player 1 (Rome) 6 banners won
Player 2 (Britons) 3 banners won
Again decent cards for my side - MFM allowed to to quickly reform and avoid majority of chariots. steady downpour of HI and Mi was checked at one moment by colossal build-up of Britons they had really taunting two-units-deep line, move by Line Command. And here my dumb luck again woke-up - Greg rolled on Spartacus only one unit, which inflicted 1 hit taking 3 in battle back. Successive Double Time should finish game, but was not so effective - that allowed Greg to grab couple of precious points. Last turn was just finishing some 1 blocks for final 6--3 victory.
I do not remember when I had so much luck (well, maybe yesterday
- Mark can say something about our TGW game finished after 4 cards). Anyhow, thanks to Greg for both games, high spirits despite my lucky dice and time well spent.