OT2017 Round 4

7 years 6 months ago #2081 by BrentS
Replied by BrentS on topic OT2017 Round 4
Thanks Giulio. I wasn't aware of that option and it looks like it works. It will take some getting used to, though. The text box, map and player hand are all separate components. I'm not sure how that will go in a logfile (I'll test before my next match) but it looks like a workaround until it eventually gets fixed. Thanks, as always, for your Vassal wisdom :).


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7 years 6 months ago #2082 by mk20336
Replied by mk20336 on topic OT2017 Round 4
Naissus Game 1
MichalK (Goths): 7 Banners
Paul (Roman): 0 Banners

Very bloody game for Romans. Despite their courage and constant attack they break on Barbarian wall, and then were counter-attacked which ended in decimation.

Naissus Game 2
MichalK (Romans) 7 banners
Paul (Goths) 1 banners

Much more balanced and close game then result shows. Enough to say that I finished with 5 one-block units ! Imagine how many banners that potentially means. Barbarians attacked in center from the start, pushed me back, and only one of counter attack managed to stop them. That gave me breathing moment to change game tempo, and with MC on my right I hit units without leader. That was decisive and despite very heavy losses, Imperil prevailed.

Thanks to Paul for being so flexible with game scheduling! Can't wait for round 5!

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7 years 6 months ago #2083 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic OT2017 Round 4
Naissus Game 2

cavie (Goths): 1 Banner
giulio (Romans): 7 Banner

After some initial maneuvering the game starts with Goth heavy cavs against Roman light, who are trying their best to fire from afar and avoid contact. This costs the Goths their first unit, fallen under archery fire, while a cornered Roman light cav survives undamaged an attack of a Goth heavy cav. A sequence of attack by Goths then follows, using cavs and warriors, coming from all directions. Romans manage to successfully evade or are just saved by the poor dice rolls of the Goths. The latter, however, are not so lucky and Roman attacks are effective. After a few rounds the score is 5-0 for the Romans. Then I become impatient and decide to attack with the cavs the Goths second line. This gives me the 6th medal but also cost me one unit. The following skirmishes and random arrows on the Roman right flank set the final score.

I think this game, more than everything else, was decided by a series of very bad rolls by Dan, bad to such an extent that they spoiled a bit the fun for both.

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File Name: DanvsGiuli...me2.vlog
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7 years 6 months ago #2086 by Carthage
Replied by Carthage on topic OT2017 Round 4
Naissus Game 1

BrentS (Goths): 6 Banner
Carthage (Romans): 7 Banner

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Naissus Game 2

Carthage (Goths): 7 Banner
BrentS (Romans): 3 Banner

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7 years 6 months ago #2087 by stormwalker
Replied by stormwalker on topic OT2017 Round 4
Naissus Game 1
plainscape (Goths): 5 banners
stormwalker (Roman): 7 banners

The first game began very slowly with plenty of range fire, which resulted in two dead Goth HCs. This gave both sides an opportunity to regroup and consolidate their forces. As a result complete madness, to quote Todd, ensued. The battle was very bloody. It ended like all good battles with a Roman cavalry charge.

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Naissus Game 2
stormwalker (Goths): 6 banners
plainscape (Romans): 7 banners

The second game began with range fire and a far too brave Goth cavalry charge. This battle was equally bloody, although, it involved far smaller forces. Similarly, to the first game, a well-positioned cavalry units secured the victory for the Romans.

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File Name: Naissus_2_2.vlog
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Todd, thank you for two very exciting games!

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7 years 6 months ago #2088 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2017 Round 4
Mark McG vs Tomek

Games 1
Tomek (Goths) : 7 banners
Mark McG (Roman): 4

Game started off with a fusillade of LC missile fire over 2 turns, 16 dice in total. The Goth Heavy cavalry emerged without a scratch. Right there I realised the game wasn't going the Roman way. Roman started with 3 Line Commands (of 5 cards) which is a very mixed blessing with a force of 50% cavalry.

Goths pushed down their right flank, and then in the centre, and whilst a Roman cavalry charge restored some dignity to the defeat, the Romans where only starting to pickup any momentum towards the end, when the game was already lost.

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File Name: OT2017R4G1.vlog
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Game 2
Mark McG (Goths): 7 banners
Tomek (Roman): 1 banner

Roman LC fled at first move, and thence it was some careful sparing between the missile troops with the Goths getting 2 banners from a few opportunities. A long Roman like advanced using Line Command, which gave the Goths the awaited opportunity to go straight up the centre, and the Warriors went straight through, with Romans falling back is disarray.

The Goth warriors then cleared away the centre, losing a Warrior unit in the fighting, but was pretty much over after the initial penetration.

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File Name: OT2017R4G2.vlog
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"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #2089 by Stonewall
Replied by Stonewall on topic OT2017 Round 4
Stonewall vs Armada01
Naisus Game 1
Stonewall (Goths) 7
Armada01 (Romans) 5

Both games saw the initial missile fire against the Goth heavy cav do little damage. The Goth warriors Doubled Timed around the cav and pushed back the Roman light cav in the center. Missile fire reduced all warriors to 3 or 2 blocks, but they attacked again against pinned units and destroyed 2 light cav and an aux. The Roman heavy inf surged forward and destroyed all 3 warriors. Then 2 Goth heavy cav in the center destroyed a heavy inf and severely damaged the second, but lost a heavy inf. A Roman cav attack on the right failed to destroy a heavy cav, but lost a med cav. Then the Goths pulled all 3 remaining heavy cav into the center and hit the center with a Mounted Charge. Though they lost a heavy cav, they destroyed the 2nd heavy inf and a full-strength aux, for a 7-5 win.

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Naissus Game 2
Sonewall (Romans) 7
Armada (Goths) 5

The Goth lights moved forward to protect the heavy cav. Accurate missile fire weakened many units on both sides, then the Roman inf Doubled Timed forward in the center and destroyed a warrior and an aux. The Goth responded by sending 2 heavy cav with a leader forward on the right side of the board and the exact same thing on the left side of the board. On the left side of the board they destroyed an aux and a med cav, and got behind the inf line, threatening 2 1-block units on the back edge of the board. On the right they killed a med cav. The Romans responded with 4 units on the right but 1 did all the killing. The Roman leader Aurelian on a heavy cav killed both Goth heavy cav. The Goth heavy cav on the left then killed 1 weak unit on the edge, but an attack on a full strength aux resulted in a retreat which left the 2nd cav unable to engage. The Roman leader Claudius with a heavy inf trapped and killed a heavy cav and amazingly killed the 2nd heavy cav even though it tried to evade. A Goth warrior rushed forward and hit a full strength heavy inf, causing it to evaporate. The game ended with the Roman Aurelian and a heavy cav finishing off a damaged aux on the right side of the board for a 7-5 win.

Both games were very close and hard fought, and it was a pleasure to play with Tony Armada. We both had very good dice rolls, but the dice favored me a bit more, tipping both games to me.

Joe (Stonewall)

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Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by Stonewall. Reason: Adding Attachments

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7 years 6 months ago #2090 by Stonewall
Replied by Stonewall on topic OT2017 Round 4
Stonewall vs Armada01

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7 years 6 months ago #2091 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2017 Round 4
I'm going to extend the deadline out to July 12, primarily because I will be offline between July 5-12.
Since I can't produce the new round until I return, I may as well increase the deadline.
No harm in finishing your games earlier though!

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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7 years 6 months ago - 7 years 6 months ago #2094 by christhibault
Replied by christhibault on topic OT2017 Round 4
Game 1:
Romans: christhibault - 3 Banners (14 blocks killed)
Goths: ezpickins - 7 Banners (35 blocks killed)

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File Name: OT17-R4-G1.vlog
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The first match was beset by terrible Roman dice rolling only made worse by stellar leadership by the Goths. There was little need for strategy as the Goths simply surrounded the Romans and decimated them.

Game 2:

Romans: ezpickins - 5 Banners (31 blocks killed)
Goths: christhibault - 7 Banners (43 blocks killed)

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File Name: OT17-R4-G2.vlog
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This match started out with Mounted charges by both sides with counter-attack plays to continue the fight leading to early kills on both sides. The Goth heavy cav managed to fend off the early Roman cav attacks coming out better from the exchange. The Goths and Romans then managed to form solid lines and traded ranged fire on the flanks until the Goth Warriors double-timed into the Roman lines for the final engagement. An opportune first strike by the Romans nearly broke the Goths to give the Romans a victory, but Fortuna withheld her favor from the Roman dice yet again, giving the Goths the victory. The ground was soaked with the blood from both sides in the end.

Jeff (EZPickins) was a worthy opponent and a pleasure to play against.

Last edit: 7 years 6 months ago by christhibault.

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