OT2017 Round 3

7 years 7 months ago #2054 by craniumgroup
Replied by craniumgroup on topic OT2017 Round 3
Second Game Report (craniumgroup/scipio1zama)
craniumgroup (Roman): 6 (30 Blocks lost)
scipio1zama (Cathage): 5 (25 Blocks lost)

The Romans squeezed the center and right medium and heavy infantry units into a single line and charged the Carthage left flank. It was bloody and brutal but the Romans came out of it with the lead. Brilliant skirmishing play by Carthage evened up the score, but the Romans were able to collect a couple more victory banners for the win. A fantastic game that was very close in the end.

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7 years 7 months ago - 7 years 7 months ago #2055 by Armada01
Replied by Armada01 on topic OT2017 Round 3
1st Game Report (Armada01(Tony-Rome/Carthage-Carthage)
Armada01 (Roman): 4 (28 Blocks lost)
Carthage(Carthage): 6 (19 Blocks lost)

The Carthaginians were able to take the center hills without difficulty and continued their advance on the Romans. The Romans were able to fight back onto the hills with Hasdrubal taken out of the game but were too used up to finish with a victory.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2017Roun...me1.vlog
File Size:37 KB

2nd Game Report (Armada01(Tony-Carthage/Carthage-Rome)
Armada01 (Carthage): 6 (11 Blocks lost)
Carthage(Rome): 1 (27 Blocks lost)

The Romans relinquished the hills in the center separating their lines. Carthaginians with amazing range rolls killed 2 light units. Spartacus and Double Time cards allowed the Carthaginians to decimate the Roman Right and Center.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2017Roun...me1.vlog
File Size:37 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2017Roun...me2.vlog
File Size:41 KB
Last edit: 7 years 7 months ago by Armada01. Reason: Add log files

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7 years 7 months ago #2056 by Tomek
Replied by Tomek on topic OT2017 Round 3
1 Game: Tomek (Carthage) 6 - stormwalker (Rome) 4

There were a lot of projectiles in the air and relatively few casualties. Outnumbered and exhausted, the Carthagians gave up finally after a long and valiant fight.

2 Game: Tomek (Rome) 6 - stormwalker (Carthage) 5

That was again a long and hectic fight. Both generals were not as keen to use the terrain as probably they should have been. Although Scipio led his army according to plan - (enforcing the centre and striking through the left valley on the weaker Carthagian plan) the strike was ill timed and the advantage soon lost. After losing a lot of troops he finally managed to win but it was a Pirus victory.

I could attach the files if I knew how. All in all quite wicked scenario to fought.

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7 years 7 months ago #2057 by Mark-McG
Replied by Mark-McG on topic OT2017 Round 3
edit the post and attach the files.

Also, can I urge all players with matches outstanding to play them this weekend. Deadline is 31 May.

"I will either find a way, or make one."
attrib to Hannibal Barca

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7 years 7 months ago #2058 by mk20336
Replied by mk20336 on topic OT2017 Round 3

Mark-McG wrote: edit the post and attach the files.
Also, can I urge all players with matches outstanding to play them this weekend. Deadline is 31 May.

Yes, that is the plan!

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7 years 7 months ago - 7 years 7 months ago #2059 by g1ul10
Replied by g1ul10 on topic OT2017 Round 3
Game 1:

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File Name: OT2017R3-M...me1.vlog
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g1ul10 (Carthaginian): 6
mk20336 (Roman) : 4

Both Carthaginians and Romans want to control the central hill. The Roman strategy is good but their Clash of Shields fail and the subsequent Carthaginian Line Command inflicts two further losses for a 3-0 against the Romans. Next round I'm Spartacus played by Carthage brings the score 4-0 against Romans which also have two infantry units with a single block remaining. This is were the tide change: counter-attacking the I'm Spartacus, Carthaginians eliminate three Roman unit (thanks to a failed leader check). Next round the single block Roman medium inf eliminates a further auxilia before the heavy Carthaginian infantry closes the game mopping some damaged units up.

Game 2:

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2017R3-M...me2.vlog
File Size:44 KB

mk20336 (Carthaginian) : 6
g1ul10 (Roman): 5

Romans prepare a line below the central hills waiting for Carthage to attack and Carthage promptly does it in its left flank, where the Romans do in fact have a slight superiority (more medium inf). But this time Romans line command doesn't work as expected, with a Roman heavy inf that fails to score a single hit on a five dice roll and get eliminated by the battle back. I dare to say that if the result were reversed this would have been a rather easy victory for the Roman. But this was not the case. Severely battered after their own attack and next round counter-attack, Romans tried to maintain some cohesion and with I'm Spartacus brought the score to a not-too-bad 4-3 for the Carthaginians. Subsequent firefight moved the score to 5-5 and the game to a very tactical end, in which both parties tried to cover their weak units and exploit local superiority. The Romans were however progressively loosing troops to Carthaginian archery fire so they decided for a final, dramatic attack to the central hill, that failed. The following charge of the Carthaginian cavalry ended the game.

At the end both games were rather balanced and playing with Michal is always challenging.
Last edit: 7 years 7 months ago by g1ul10.

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7 years 7 months ago #2060 by Cavie
Replied by Cavie on topic OT2017 Round 3
Round 3 - Ilorca

Game 1: EZPickins (Roman) 4 - Cavie (Carthaginian) 6
Game 2: EZPickins (Carthaginian) 4 - Cavie (Roman) 6

Both games were very close and came down to really to luck of the roll. Both armies were well played in both games. The 2nd game from about mid game on was very tense and went back and forth until a lucky 2d roll from a Roman slinger on Hasbrudal Barca knocked of 2 units that were just rallied to full strength and then killed Barca.

From there the Carthaginians pushed forward but were met with First Strike and good battle backs to end the battle for them.

Fun scenario and great playing it with John.

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7 years 7 months ago #2061 by christhibault
Replied by christhibault on topic OT2017 Round 3
Round 3 - Ilorca

Game 1: PCScipio42 (Roman) 6 - christhibault (Carthage) 3
Game 2: christhibault (Roman) 6 - PCScipio42 (Carthage) 2

The first match, the Romans formed a nice line south of the central hills and with some great rolls eliminated the Carthage Warriors early on. The counter attack by Rome with a double time decimated the Carthage left flank heavies. Carthage attempted to rally, but the damage was done and Rome mopped up.

The second match, Rome formed a heavy left line and after some initial Auxilia losses, managed to drive Carthage back. Carthage then advanced on the Roman Right flank and once the Roman heavy infantry destroyed the Carthage heavy under Hasdrubal, it was downhill from there. A Roman Darken the Sky managed to eliminate a number of units and weaken others to the point where Rome again mopped up with it's heavy infantry.

My opponent was great and we both enjoyed the matches.

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