Game 1: gcallari (Goths) 3 banners - stormwalker (Romans) 6 banners
The Goths attacked fiercely on both sides, unfortunately, for most of the time they were very unlucky with their rolls. It suffices to say that one Roman Auxilia unit withstood 3 assaults before it was taken off the board.
Game 2: stormwalker (Goths) 6 banners - gcallari (Romans) 5 banners
This time the Goths approached only on their left wing. To counter this move, the Romans sent in the cavalry, which resulted in very bloody clashes. The Romans kept on pushing and this cost them one of their leaders but it didn't break their spirit - they pushed some more. Finally, the Romans were defeated, although before they fell they took with them few good Goths.
Thanks to Gabriele for two enjoyable games.