306 Bibracte (58 BC)

16 years 8 months ago #81 by admin
306 Bibracte (58 BC) was created by admin
** This thread discusses the Content article: 306 Bibracte (58 BC) **

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14 years 5 months ago #933 by Freeloading-Phill
Looking at this scenario I wonder if it's supposed to have the Tenth Legion rules in it's Special Rules section.
They are labelled on the map.


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14 years 5 months ago #937 by MasterChief
Replied by MasterChief on topic Re:306 Bibracte (58 BC)
NRBH - but I think Expansion 4 helps clarify that by making all Medium and Heavy Infantry under Julian Rules able to move 2 hexes (and not battle) - which I think is all the 10th Legion lets you do.

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14 years 5 months ago #938 by Freeloading-Phill
Aha, that's it. In Marian Legion scenarios they need special unit rules but not under Julian Legion rules.



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8 years 11 months ago #1521 by mmccalpin
Replied by mmccalpin on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)
Just managed a hard-fought Roman victory in spite of losing Caesar. Caesar had already provided a thumping battleback to the Helvetii (five swords and a helmet!). The final score was 7-4 but the game was much more back-and-forth than is implied by the difference. The Helvetii whiffed an attack and their fresh medium cavalry unit was destroyed by another in the battleback. Good times.

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6 years 6 months ago #2649 by Valvorik
Replied by Valvorik on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)
Caeser got late into action, the barbarian units did fairly well and a left flank party rolled up the Romans, despite them having line advances, then successive Medium orders broke Roman centre and disordered their lines making for some pickings, for a Helvetti victory of 7 to 4 over Rome

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6 years 5 months ago #2667 by Valvorik
Replied by Valvorik on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)
Two victories for Rome, one close 7-6 (barbarians did well on the flanks) and one route 7-0 (Caesar lead charge and destroyed both barbarian camps)

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3 years 11 months ago #3795 by kostas63
Replied by kostas63 on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)
Vittoria Romana 7-5. Gli Elvezi ricevono subito un ordine di "Comando di Gruppo" e avanzano su tutto il fronte. I romani scendono dalle colline quando ricevono le prime cariche dei Guerrieri barbari. A soffrire maggiormente sono le unità di fanteria media romane ma reggono l'urto causando a loro volta ingenti danni. A dar man forte ai Guerrieri anche le cavallerie degli Elvezi che causano ulteriori danni alle già provate fanterie romane. Benchè in inferiorità numerica alla fine i romani vincono la battaglia grazie alla loro qualità militare. Giulio Cesare e i legionari veterani assistono dalla collina l'esito a loro favorevole.

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1 year 6 months ago #21311 by bigfriendben
Replied by bigfriendben on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)

A horrifically bitter defeat for Caesar. The Roman army took 12 blocks via ranged combat without gaining a single banner before close combat began. The Gauls used a nasty I am Spartacus play to mangle the Roman right flank before being repulsed by the personal intervention of Caesar-- but both Caesar and his right flank captain died in extremely unlucky leader casualty checks within only a few turns. The Romans sought their two last banners, venturing off of their strong uphill position, but found only bitter defeat, with Gallic warriors never rolling less than three hits per battle/battleback. Final score 7-5. A supremely well played game by my gallic opponent that took over 1.5 hours to secure victory.

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11 months 3 weeks ago #52441 by ozzie
Replied by ozzie on topic 306 Bibracte (58 BC)
7-1 to the Romans. Caesar and his central and left legions just carved through the Celts.

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