MT55 finals
Game 1
Gauls, Mark McG: 1 Banner won, 27 Blocks lost
Romans, MichalK: 8 Banners won, 13 Blocks lost
My idea was one: go as fast as possible towards hills, so Gauls do not have time to bring reinforcements nor leaders. Line Command helped here significantly, and very hard struggle uphill started. Mark had 3 (!) Light Troops cards which helped him to soften my units. However, Caesar was quickly dispatched forward, as well as cavalry commander , Manucius. HWWM did not played too much role here, neither Gauls reinforcements.
First blood, surprisingly, was drawn from 10th legion. As it occurred later, that was the only casuality Romans allowed. The breaking moment come with play of my Clash of Shields - path uphill was opened and slaughter began. Centre cards definitely helped to keep momentum, capture two camps as well as part of city walls. Game ended when MI entered Gergovia - despite incredible things being done by 1 block Gallic warrior.
Game 2
Gauls, MichalK: 8 Banner won, 35 Blocks lost
Romans, Mark McG: 7 Banners won, 32 Blocks lost
Now was the time to be beaten by formidable Julius Legions. So is started with double Green on HWM shoot at my LS. During the game Mark had couple of such moments when on 2 dices range combat he was scoring 2 hits… My idea for that game was one – get leaders to centre ASAP. In the long run I succeeded with bringing cavalry leader, but the second one did not make it to the hills – but helped to decimate one MI.
Two line commands by Romans brought both sides to close quarters. But with Gallic leader it was not so easy for Romans – especially uphill. At some point in time it was even 3-1 to Gauls, but then defence on hill ridge fallen, Gallic leader was killed, and it seemed everything will fall apart. It was 5-3 to Romans.
But brave Gauls with their well-placed, chirurgical attacks managed to pick 1 or 2 blocks Romans here and there. 5-5, 6-6, 7-7… Game was very close and was finished by… of course Calsh of Shileds played by Gauls, who even without leader, managed to score many points.
At this moment I would like to thank Mark for the game and organizing the MTs. I have real pleasure in those games and look forward to future games.