52. Marian Roman 105-25BC

Blocks: Roman

Initiative: 4

Home terrain: cultivated

13. Illyrian 700BC-10AD
14. Thracian 700BC-46AD
31. Gallic 400-50BC
36. Ptolemaic 320-30BC
41. Galatian 280-25BC
43. Parthian 250BC-225AD
44. Iberian (Spain) 240-20BC
45. Celtiberian 240-20BC
47. Commagene 163BC-72AD
48. Spartacus Slave Revolt 74-71BC
49. Numidian or Early Moorish 215BC-25AD
50. Early German 115BC-250AD
51. Mithridatic 110-47BC
52. Marian Roman 105-25BC
53. Ancient British 55BC-75AD

1xMC or HI (G), 1xMC or LC, 2xHI, 6xMI, 1xAux or LI, 1xLI

Special: The Marius Legions Rule is in effect from 105-59BC (exp.3, P.4). The Julian Legions rule is in effect from 58- 25BC (exp.3, P.4). From 58-44BC the Julius Caesar rule may be in effect at the choice of the Marian Roman player – one of the Roman generals is designated Julius Caesar upon deployment (exp.3, P.5).

Historical notes:

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