C&C Ancients Open 2024

Round 3

You should update to VASSAL Module 4.3.16 to get the Tournament Round scenario.

The scenario in VASSAL is called 18 in the scenario list, or you can find it in the "Scenario Browser..." tool (JD18).

To contact your opponent, log into the site, and click on your opponents name..  then the envelope icon in their profile to email him.

Round 3 Draw

Scenario: JD18 Satricum (381 BC)

Deadline: Friday, 31 May 2024

Player 1 Pts  Video1 Game1 Game2  Video2  Pts Player 2
kwofford 2   6-3 5-6   1 FoxK
Marco 2 4-6 6-2 1 rjvonline
soul1st  2 6-3 5-6 1 Viridovilas
ZOCCHI 3 6-1 6-2 0 scrum4you
John S 1,5   2-6 6-2   1,5 Polonus100
PCScipio42 2 4-6 6-1 1 Dawnreader
rams1984 1 2-6 6-4 2 BrentS
RiverWanderer 1 6-5 4-6 2 GomJabbar
Mark-McG 1 6-3 1-6 2 Milla
Boredbeyondbelief  1 4-6 6-5 2 stephent
Gonzo 1,5 6-5 5-6 1,5 azzy
Tuscan Centurion 0 3-6 2-6 3 EZPickins
Alister 1,5 3-6 6-3 1,5 taliapharaoh
gotigerssc 3 6-5 6-3 0 rjorge
alecrespi 1 3-6 6-4 2 gheintze
toganalper 0 5-6 3-6 3 Gileforn
Lornlane 2 3-6 6-2 1 scipio1zama
mk20336 3 6-5 6-1 0 TTK
Javelinthrower 1 1-6 6-2 2 David I
JawaNick 3   6-5 6-2   0 Cavie
Kandras78 3   6-5 6-3   0 Warrick
Andygor             Jarib
beckerdo 3 6-4 6-2 0 Chrispy
TTC 2   6-1 4-6   1 lunacab
Kartigan 3         0 BYE


See OT2024 - Cumulative Results.

Please report results in the discussion below in the form

Match 1

Player 1 (Volscian)  # banners won

Player 2 (Roman)  # banners won

A short recount and attached the logfile of the game

Match 2

Player 2 (Volscian)  # banners won

Player 1 (Roman)  # banners won

A short recount and attached the logfile of the game

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PCScipio42 replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Game 2

Player 1 Dawnreader 1 banner
Player 2 PCScipio42 6 banners

Roman had good cards and dice, and went after the Volscian left flank to start, then shifted to the center. Volscian leader was killed and Roman able to finish it not too soon after.


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PCScipio42 replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Game 1
Player 1 PCScipio  4 banners
Player 2 Dawnreader 6 banners

Volscian attempted to get after the light on the Roman left, failed and was pushed back. Volscian got aggressive, played the double time and didn't work too well. Roman cut off the exposed mediums and warrior units and picked them off. Score was 5-2 Roman when Volscian got 2 banners to make it 5-4 before the Roamn finished him off.


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David I replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
David I              (Romans) 6 vs 1 JavelinThrower (Volsci) 
JavelinThrower (Romans) 6 vs 2  David I              (Volsci) 

You just can't beat those Romans. The Volsci could not cut a break in either round with the dice being particularly loaded in favour of my Romans, who escaped certain death on several occasions. The Volscian leader could not stay on his horse in either game. Cards were also favourable to the Romans particularly in the second game with a pair of DoubleTimes and an epic Rally well-rolled to revive the right flank heavies and cavalry. Morally the result was a draw.

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David I replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
See below
Kandras78 replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Open Tournament 2024 [Round Three - Game 1] - played on 24th May
JD18 Satricum (381 BC)
Roman (Warrick) 5 vs Volscian (Kandras78) 6

Volscian attack on their right gained ground (0-2). But a Roman counterpush in the center interrupted their line (2-2).
Camillus left the camp. Just to witness a rebel attack slaying Furius (3-5). Camillus lead a countercharge again (5-5) but finally ran out of steam. (5-6)


Open Tournament 2024 [Round Three - Game 2] played on 29th May
JD18 Satricum (381 BC)
Roman (Kandras78) 6 vs Volscian (Warrick) 3

The Roman line hurled forward eager to push in the Center. (1-0) Volscians held their ground stalwartly (1-2). But Furius led the Romans forward again, breaking through the rebels and capturing their leader. (5-2) Volscian light troops darkened the skies with their missiles (5-3) but were unable to hold off the Roman cavalry chasing off the shaken tribesmen in the Center. (6-3)
azzy replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago

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Game 1
Azzy(Volsci) 5
Gonzo (Roman) 6

Game 2 
Gonzo (Volsci) 5
Azzy (Roman) 6
interesting and hard-fought matches. The beginning in both confrontations was mine. I was lucky with both cards and cubes, but Gonzo rolled perfectly at the end and punished for mistakes. So, very bloody draw/)))
Marco replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Note: For clarity, Left and Right refer to the sides of the battlefield, not the commanders point of view.

Marco (Volscian) 4
rjvonline (Roman) 6

The battle began with the accepted Roman practice of shooting the Warriors, with some success. Missile fire continued for many turns, until suddenly the Romans DoubleTimed into the Volscian AUX line on the Right, away from their Leader. The AUX held, and Volscian brought in his MI to take the first Banner.
That banner cost him dearly. With the Romans trailing by one, Camillus himself left his camp and rushed forward. Furius with his MI and HI in the center again pushed to the Right, this time taking two AUX in rapid succession.
With command now changed to 6-4 cards, there was nothing for Volscian to do but regroup. The Romans moved in their MC, finishing off a MI but narrowly escaping themselves. The Romans formed up with Camillus in the Center and Furius ahead on the right with his MI and HI. Volscian again used missile fire, but had little effect.
A Spartacus command by the Romans brought Camillus and Furius together in the center, taking more Banners along the way. Trailing 5-2, Volscian Counterattacked the Spartacus. With only a four dice roll, he managed to order two WARS and a MC to completely cutoff Furius, only to have him escape and send the MC flying into retreat. The Romans brought up their Center line, and Volscian charged with his last full strength WAR, again taking a Banner and sending Furius retreating away. Not enough, as Camillus moving up the center took the last Banner for the game.

Marco (Roman) 6
rjvonline (Volscian) 2

Again the Roman missile fire, but this time damaging both WARS. Volscian drew together, bringing in his AUX and MI from the rear. The Romans advanced their line directly into the Center. Volscian DoubleTimed to the Left but had little effect. A Roman Counterattack Left broke up the attack and took the first Banner. Volscian then charged with his WARS and MC directly into the center of the now open Roman line, but again failed to score. Rome closed the center line, taking another Banner, but Volscian attacked again for his first banner. Furius jumped to a HI in the center, and took two Banners, making the score 4-1. Volscian pushed in the Center, taking another Banner, but the Romans moved on the Left and finished off the two Lights, ending the game.

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John S replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Match 1

John S (Volscian) # banners won 2

Polonus100 (Roman) # banners won 6

The Volscians start with some good cards but lose a good one when it had to do the random discard (CLASH OF SHIELDS). The Romans had effective ranged fire and wounded both front line WI. The Roman cavalry attacked on both flanks and drove back my LI. I may have been better served to hit the Roman line earlier but wanted to get leader support for some of my attacks. When I decided to close in the center, my close combat rolls failed, and the Roman HI were very effective.

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Match 2

Polonus100 (Volscian) # banners won 2

John S (Roman) # banners won 6

It was not to be a Volscian day for sure. Of note is that my HI never came into action, nor did I benefit from the special card rule. There was a lot of action on both flanks, and I did much better as I only lost 1 block to 7. Then the medium troops clashed on my left and center. I wiped out a WI with a 4d attack and a MC with another 4d attack. My MC then finished off a 1 block AI which gave me a 3 to 0 lead. This was, without question, the key turn. I had gotten a bit too bold with my MC on my right and it was cut off by light units but luckily survived with only 1 hit. A turn later, Furius went over to lead a MI and killed off a 2 block AI and damaged a LI and pushed that unit back to its baseline. I lose a MI in the center. I go for the win but my MC with 3d cannot gets only 1 hit and no flags against a 2 block WI. Furius finishes off the 2 block LI trapped against its own baseline. My MC is cutoff and killed. I then use DOUBLE TIME and one of my center MI moves forward to kill off a 1 block WI. It was not a good day to fight the Romans. As bad as my G1 was against the Romans, my opponent had it much worse.

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rjvonline replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
rjvonline Romans 6 banners
marco Volscians 4 banners

The battle started with skirmishing from both sides, with the Romans being slightly more successful initially. The Romans double-timed early to some good results against the Volscian center-left, and followed up with a risky cavalry attack against a 1-block MI that not only worked, but then the MC despite flubbing its follow-up attack against a full-strength W, was able to escape with 1 block, never to be in danger again. More combat followed in the center, with Spartacus played by the Romans and counter-attacked by the Volscians resulting in MI and HI losses for the Romans and MI and AX losses for the Volscians, but while a Roman line command failed to kill a 1 AX in the center-left on 4 dice, it killed a brave W unit for the last Roman banner. Dice luck overall favored the Romans (especially as the Volscians flubbed quite a bit), and Marco was a bit creaky, forgetting the 2nd move in a M-F-M card (no obvious consequences, though), and changing his mind a bit too late when trying to kill my forward MC (he went with a 4 dice option, which allowed me to evade vs a 3 dice option that would not have allowed me to evade). As it were the W failed to killed the MC which evaded and survived to the end. Return match tomorrow, and I think he can definitely beat my 6-4 and nab 2 points.
BrentS replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago

Game 1
Rams1984 (Volsci) 2
BrentS (Roman) 6

Game 2 
BrentS (Volsci) 4
Rams1984 (Roman) 6

Rather than report these separately, as they both went by in a rapid blur, I'll just say that Rams played two excellent tactically aggressive games, keeping me on the back foot. Double Times were used to punch into my centre in both games and it was just that a leader kill gave me the breathing space to effectively counterattack in the first game. My plan as the Volsci was to group my Warriors in the rear and let the Romans come onto me, then use them as my reserve for the counter but he never gave me the chance, Double Timing immediately before I could get set and kept pressing so that I could never take initiative. I know he felt the dice let him down but I'll balance that against poor hands I had with almost no centre orders (certainly saw no Double Times!), a situation the aggressive attacks took full advantage of. It probably balanced out. The special rule never came into play in either game, for which I'm grateful because it looks a bit wonky.

Thanks for some enjoyable (and very quick!) games, Rams.

lunacab replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
*TTC vs lunacab*

Match 1

Player 1 lunacab (Volscian) 1 banners won

Player 2 TTC (Roman) 6 banners won

Match 2

Player 1 TTC (Volscian) 4 banners won

Player 2 lunacab (Roman) 6 banners won
kwofford replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
I came to post today and saw you already took care of it. Thank you!
alecrespi replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
I added videos of the latest matches (you can find them on the page dedicated to Round 3 ).

As a side note I spotted an error in game 1 "rjorge vs gotigerssc": the Volscians used "Line Command" ( 1'38'' ) to advance 3 infantry and 1 mounted unit (MC + LDR) while the card specifies to only use foot units.

ZOCCHI replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Match 2
Scrum4you (Volscian) 2 Banners won
Zocchi (Roman) 6 Banners won


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The Romans immediately annoy with his two snipers. They try to move back, taking time to give Camillus a chance to take sides. The Volscians try to keep their distance with their shots. after the first loss comes Camillus's moment. So with a difference of 2 cards for the Volscians the choices are not very suitable. And gradually the Romans climb up until they reach the last banner.

A special thanks to Scrum4you. Well played.
gotigerssc replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Match 1
rjorge (Volscian)  5 banners won
gotigerssc (Roman)  6 banners won
Early in the game I had a single roll kill on a full strength medium infantry and shortly thereafter the same thing happened in reverse, and that set the tone for the match. This one felt like it was a constant exchanging of blows until the very end. Camillus finally came out towards the end of the game to help support the line advancing on center-right flank. Forgot to start the logfile at the beginning and Ricardo was having Vassal issues so the log picks up a couple of turns into the game. No leaders were lost.
Match 2
gotigerssc (Volscian)  6 banners won
rjorge (Roman)  3 banners won
Camillus came out a bit earlier in this game and was focusing on the same center-right section of the battlefield. However, luck had turned in my favor and I was able to claim Furius on a lc2. Even though I lost a card, my cards/dice were good and I was able to push ahead.


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soul1st replied the topic:
8 months 2 weeks ago
Match 1

Player 1 Soul1st (Volscian)  6 banners won

Player 2 Viridovilas (Roman) 3 banners won

Match 2 

Player 1 Viridovilas (Volscian) 6 banners won

Player 2 Soul1st (Roman) 5 banners won

In both matches the Romans lost. Volscian had more units, which were more distributed on all sections. Besides that they had more light infantry, weakening the Romans a lot before the end game.


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Alister replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
thanks for the feedback!
Alister replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Alister and taliapharaoh should have 1.5 points each, if I'm not mistaken
EZPickins replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Player 1 EZPickins (Volscian)  6 banners won

Player 2 Tuscan Centurian (Roman) 3 banners won

Match 2 

Player 1 Tuscan Centurian Volscian) 2 banners won

Player 2 EZPIckins (Romans) 6 banners won

Two very enjoyable games where luck favored my side. Game 1 saw my lights being very effective and a Clash of Shields played and killling Furius key moments.  Game 2 saw some give and take early but I was able to overcome the Volscian attacks by winning the war of attrition (35-15) to pull off the win. Simon played two quality games but I had most of the luck.
Gonzo replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Match 1
Azzy(Volscian) 5 banners won
Gonzo (Roman) 6 banners won
Early Volscian range strikes effective.  It went from 0-0 to 3-0 Volscian in a turn, the 5-1.  Romans turtle in middle then a Volscian charge fails to get a win and the Roman reposte kills several units and their leader, getting their final banner the following turn.  Romans were looking at a shutout, only to come back and win.  This game is like that. 

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alecrespi replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Alister vs taliapharaoh

Alister replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Match 1

Alister  (Volscian) # 3 banners

taliapharaoh  (Roman) # 6 banners 

I was not lucky

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Match 2

taliapharaoh  (Volscian) # 3 banners

Alister  (Roman) # 6 banners

I'm lucky


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In the end friendship won
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Done a update on the scoring, which maybe incomplete since I'm on a rather tenuous internet connection.

A week till deadline and a lot of unplayed matches. Please get them played ASAP.
alecrespi replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
GomJabbar vs RiverWanderer

GomJabbar replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Game 1
RiverWanderer (Volscian) 6 banners
GomJabbar (Roman) 5 banners

The Romans started with a volley from the Lights and then they retreated back behind their Medium lines. Volscian followed up with bold advance on their right but the Romans countered with their Medium infantry with Furius. But the Volscian right flank advance seemed like a feint when their center crashed into the Roman Mediums pushing them back and gaining a banner. Camillus took slight notice but then went back to bed when the Romans battled back to take out an overextended Medium Cav. A back and forth battle in the middle then continued with both sides trading banners and the Romans never trailing by a banner so Camillus just sat in camp. Furius then switched to the Roman right flank (due to cards available on that flank) and pushed into the Volscian Auxilias but failed to get that last banner. The Volscian leader then left his Warrior unit and dashed across the field to meet with a Medium Infantry to deal the final blow to a weakened Roman Medium. A close battle.

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Game 2
GomJabbar (Volscian) 6 banners
RiverWanderer (Roman) 4 banners

Game 2 started very similar to Game 1 with some slight ranged attacks on the flanks but then the entire middle of both sides smashed together with 3 successive Line Commands. The 3rd Line Command for the Romans was very decisive with 4 banners gained in 1 turn. With no banners for Volscian, it was looking like Camillus was going to sit back eating grapes and enjoy the carnage. But then the Volscian leader got involved with a Mounted Charge on their right. Most of the Roman units were on the right with no enemy nearby so they started shifting to the left. Volscian gained a couple of banners on their right, slowly coming back into the battle. Then turn 4 for Volscian saw themselves suddenly gain 4 banners with 3 depleted (MCwLeader,MI,W) units in a decisive last ditch effort. That was extremely lucky for Volscian when a single battle back would have been disastrous.

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Thank you Mark (RiverWanderer) for the games. That was fun.