Round 2

Scenario: 611 Delium (424 BC) 

Due Date: 31 May 2016


Cumulative Scores

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
so drawing a line under this round now.. new draw to be announced shortly
Gonzo replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
Game 1
Gonzo (Athenians) 6 banners 23 figs lost
stormwalker (Thebans) 4 banners 26 figs lost
Double time and counterattack first two cards sending both right flanks smashing forward. Bloody slugging after that with Athenians getting lucky two medals at end.
Game 2
Gonzo (Thebans) 6 medals 17 figs lost
stormwalker (Athenians) 1 banner 27 figs lost
Much maneuver and missile for awhile. Athenian moved up into a mounted charge from the Theban and rolled poorly. Great cards for Theban.
Cavie replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
Game 1
Cavie (Athenians) 4 banners
Stonewall (Boeotians) 6 banners

An early Double Time play by the Athenians proved to be a bad move as the Boeotians got the better of the attack. Recovery was never made and the Boeotians kept the edge to win.

Game 2
Cavie (Boeotians) 6 banners
Stonewall (Athenians) 3 banners

Athenians pressed a little in this game too but the Boeotians had the better orders (between the 2 games I think near 5 MC's were played). Last turn of the game scored 4 banners for the Boeotians and ended the scenario.

Great games with Joe - glad we got to play each other!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
with 3.5 matches left to play, can I again agitate to getting these played THIS WEEKEND!!!
Sharpe08 replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
Round 2: Delium

Game 1:
Sharpe08 - Beotians - 6
EZPickens - Athenians - 5

This was quite a strange game in that my rolls were horrible early on and the Athenians were well on their way to crushing me. Somehow the dice gods in their capriciousness gave me a few fortunate rolls at the end and I was somehow able to barely slide by for the win. Was a hair pulling game for both sides.

Game 2:
Sharpe08 - Athenians - 6
EZPickens - Beotians - 3

EZ had a double time in game 2 that unfortunately didn't quite deliver the knock out punch he was hoping for. I was able to survive the onslaught and then the rolls just didn't cooperate for the Beotians.
Tomek replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
Round 2: Delium

Game 1:
Tomek (Beotians) - 6 banners
Plainscape (Athenians) - 5 banners
Clash of shield walls on the second turn. Men were falling from both sides, but Beotians managed to break through. Still a splendid defense by the mighty Athenians. Who knows what would happen if Alcibiades hadn't fallen by a spear in the neck. One of the best games I have had.

Game 2:
Tomek (Athenians) - 6 banners
Plainscape (Beotians) - 5 banners
What a day, what a battle. The gods were laughing as the men were dying in a fierce and undecided battle to the end. On the second battle Athenians tried to rush the center but it held and Beotians managed to annihilate the entire left wing. However this time Alcibiades survived and proved the best man of his time. At the end the light Tracian peltasts stole the victory for Athena.
Carthage replied the topic:
8 years 7 months ago
Round 2: Delium

Game 1
Scipio1zama (Athenians) 4 banners, 29 blocks lost
Carthage (Boeotians) 6 banners, 23 blocks lost

Pretty long game, as both sides played carefully. Got decided by a exchange of blows between the Thebans and the lights units of the left Athenian flank.

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Game 2
Scipio1zama (Boeotians) 1 banners, 23 blocks lost
Carthage (Athenians) 6 banners, 14 blocks lost

The right Boeotian flank charged and did some damage but was forced to withdraw from the battleback. The Athenians followed up and Hippocrates prepared an assault on his side. Pagondas died an unfortunate death on a battleback. A hoplite (mounted) charge finished the game earning 4 banners. This game was a lot shorter than the first one.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Deadline in 10 days.. time to get cracking
toganalper replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Togan Alper (Boetıan) 6 banners
Kırk (Athenıan) 2 banners

The boatıans start wıth a furıous attack on the rıght flank, wıth an on the double move and nearly fınısh the whole left flank. Whıle the LC on there trıes to survıve. The Athenıans manage to kıll Arıanthıdes on the battlefıeld, but could not manage to change the result.

Game 2

Togan Alper (Athenıan) 6 banners
Kırk (Boethıan) 4 banners

Agaın most fıghtıng done on the Boetıan rıght flank, but thıs tıme Athenıans manage to kıll the sacred band and push the boethıans back

Two very fun games thank you kırk
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Game 1
MichalK (Athenians) 6 banners
gcallari (Boeotians) 2 banners

After some preparations two lines of hoplites were standing in front of each other, 5 units and 4 blocks each (Sacred band lost one in range combat), balanced situation. But then Athenians played mounted charge, decimated the enemy hoplites in center. Counter attack was swift and painful for Athenians, but then came Clash of Shields… Three banners in last round and 6-2 for Athenians. I admit, I had two good cards for the situation and managed to play them.

Game 2

MichalK (Boeotians) 6 banners
gcallari (Athenians) 3 banners

What a game! With 4 Double Times in first 4 rounds that was a really quickly played. If I counted well, I played 3 cards, Gabriele two. So Boeotians attacked on its right, Athenians replied on theirs right, but in the end hills saved Boeotians and Athenians in open field, with Sacred Band against them had to succumb. One of quickest scenarios I have ever played in CCA!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Round 2: Delium

Game 1
BrentS (Athenians) 3 banners
Mark McG (Boeotians) 6 banners

Athenians came on early in this game and walked into a Theban buzzsaw, though got some good battleback rolls.

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Game 2
BrentS (Boeotians) 6 banners
Mark McG (Athenians) 2 banners
Athenians were much more cautious here, and Thebans had to work hard to find a chink in the armour. Took nearly an hour to score the first banner. In the end it came down to a First Strike card that tipped the balance, and created a 4 banner streak that turned 2-2 into 6-2..

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Armada01 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Game 1
Armada01 (Tony) Athenian 6 banners (lost 25 blocks) vs Taliapharoah 3 banners (lost 25 blocks)

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Armada01 (Tony) Boetian 6 banners (lost 26 blocks) vs Taliapharaoh Athenian 4 banners (lost 28 blocks)

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File Name: OT2016Rnd2...aoh.vlog
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mk20336 replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Mark, Brent,

I see you guys already played yoru gams - can you share the logs? :)