Round 2: Delium
Game 1
Scipio1zama (Athenians) 4 banners, 29 blocks lost
Carthage (Boeotians) 6 banners, 23 blocks lost
Pretty long game, as both sides played carefully. Got decided by a exchange of blows between the Thebans and the lights units of the left Athenian flank.
Game 2
Scipio1zama (Boeotians) 1 banners, 23 blocks lost
Carthage (Athenians) 6 banners, 14 blocks lost
The right Boeotian flank charged and did some damage but was forced to withdraw from the battleback. The Athenians followed up and Hippocrates prepared an assault on his side. Pagondas died an unfortunate death on a battleback. A hoplite (mounted) charge finished the game earning 4 banners. This game was a lot shorter than the first one.