Capable Tactician

At the end of your turn, discard this card and draw one Tactician card from the discard pile of your choice. The card selected may not be played this turn.

(2 cards)


NOTE: A player may look through the Tactician card discard pile prior to playing the “Capable Tactician” card to see what Tactician cards are available. When an Elan card was played, the card decks are reshuffled before the player draws cards. Drawing cards ends a player’s turn.

If i read it correct, it makes no sense, to play this card after a Elan was played, because then are no left cards into the Tactician discard pile, before i make any choice?

You read the note correct. I guess we could of stated “When an Elan card was played, the card decks are shuffled before the player draws cards. Because after shuffling, there are no Tactician cards in the discard pile, a Capable Tactician card will have no cards in the discard pile.
(Richard Borg: 2015 - May - 26)

”At the end of your turn, discard this card and draw one Tactician card from the discard pile of your choice. The card selected may not be played this turn”
Does this mean, i can´t choose a tacticain card from discard pile, which are used from any player in current turn.
Example: A player use a Infantry Combat First TC. At the end of turn, he plays Capable Tactician and want to draw back this card, is this possible?

This means, any Tactician card may be selected that is in the Tactician card discard pile, which would include any of the cards played during the current player’s turn.
And in the example above, would include the First Strike Tactician card.
The last sentence on the card, “The card selected may not be played this turn.” is written to prevent the play of a Call Forward Reserves Tactician card and a couple of future Tactician cards that state “play at the end of your turn".
(Richard Borg: 2015 - November - 11)

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