Open Tournament

Round 2

Player 1 Game 1 Game 2 Points Player 2 Game 1 Game 2 Points
EZPickins 5 6 2 Kandras78 6 3 1
jfardette 4 6 1 stephent 6 5 2
rjvonline 6 4 2 Gileforn 2 6 1
scipio1zama 6 4 1.5 FoxK 4 6 1.5
gotigerssc 2 6 2 Mark-McG 6 0 1
RiverWanderer 6 6 3 Maxjoezach 3 0 0
Scipio     1 toganalper     1
Gonzo     3 Kral Moon      0
Rand     1 Mattixswe     1
jaboskov 6 6 3 Craterus 5 4 0
Michał-Wasil 2 6 1 Tommy C 6 3 2
g1ul10 6 6 3 Burnabybob 1 3 0
GomJabbar     3 soul1st     0
gheintze 6 3 2 David I  2  6  1
Scenario: 509 Lindenau (16 October 1813)      
Deadline: 7/11/2021            




Player Rnd1 Rnd2
EZPickins 3 5
stephent 3 5
RiverWanderer 2 5
jfardette 3 4
Kandras78 3 4
rjvonline 2 4
scipio1zama 2 3.5
gotigerssc 2 4
Gonzo 1 4
jaboskov 1 4
g1ul10 1 4
Gileforn 2 3
Mark-McG 2 3
Tommy C 1 3
GomJabbar 0 3
FoxK 2 3.5
Maxjoezach 2 2
Scipio 1 2
Rand 1 2
Michał-Wasil 1 2
toganalper 1 2
Mattixswe 1 2
gheintze 0 2
Kral Moon  1 1
Craterus 1 1
Burnabybob 1 1
David I 0 1
soul1st 0 0
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FoxK replied the topic:
2 years 6 months ago
scipio1zama - FoxK 6:4
FoxK - scipio1zama 6:4
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
a couple of post round points;
1. It is the responsibility of the winner to post the result, and if not reported.. it didn't happen..
2. If you have tried to contact your opponent without a response, telling me after the deadline isn't any use.

I can't stress enough how important it is in an international tournament to contact your opponent early. The different timezones, different seasons and different holidays can be challenging. Don't assume that you can do it on the last weekend, or that VASSAL will be 100% reliable.
Gileforn replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
I think there is a mistake in results of our game with Renaud (rjvonline). The first game he has won 6-2, so it should be 2 points to him and 1 point to me.
gheintze replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 1

Geoff (gheintze) Austria 6 banners
Dave I French 2 banners

This battle was mostly fought on the flanks. An initial move by the Austrians on their left with the counter by the French resulted in 1 banner for each side. The action then moved to the Austrian right.  The French heavy cavalry moved up the center before turning toward the French right flank -- however, on their way, the leader was taken out on a 2 dice roll after an artillery shot hit. (2-1 Austrians). The heavy cavalry then earned another banner for the French after arriving on the French right.

The Austrians continued pressing on their right eliminated another infantry and leader (this time on 1 die) to take the 4-2 lead.

This situation persisted for some time until a daring move into the middle by the weakened light Austrian cavalry managed to claim the last two banners. 

Thanks for the great games Dave!


David I replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 2 

David I.     (Allies)    6 banners
Geoff H.    (French)  3 banners

Played 8 hours after game 1 ( won by Allies 6-2 ) to squeeze into the generously extended deadline. Similar to game 1 we largely played on the flanks with artillery exchanging in the centre. Austrians seemed to have the initiative, helped by two Charge if charged and infantry first cards which blunted French counter-attack. At the end a successful attack by the 3-block Austrian light behind the left artillery emplacement was decisive.

Dice were against the French a bit and apart from a couple of early Light infantry, reinforcements were either blocked or failed to materialize. Given the lack of centre cards it may not have made too much difference. 

In the end a similar outcome to game 1 but well-deserved victory went to Geoff despite his relative unfamiliarity with this iteration of C&C. Good luck for the rest of the tournament Geoff.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Use the thread in the forum dedicated to the round reports to attach log files.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
OT2021 round 2 - Lindenau Game 1

Burnabybob (Allies): 1 banner 
Giulio (French): 6 banners

This game was mainly decided by the French cavalry action in the center. One French cavalry unit was lost but the Austrians lost 4 units and one leader. As the French player, I enjoyed a constant flow of reinforcements.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2021R2_g..._g1.vlog
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OT2021 round 2 - Lindenau Game 2

Giulio (Allies): 6 banners
Burnabybob (French): 3 banners

Longer game. I tried to start aggressive with the Austrian but the combined warfare in the center-right did not work well. I was behind two medals but I had a card in my sleeve... when the French advanced on the left they succumbed to a tremendous stationary fire. This changed the flow of the game and the Austrians retook the initiative. My opponent received minimal support from reinforcements. Good units overall but they arrived late.

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2021R2_g..._g2.vlog
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N.B.: We used module version 3.42.
jfardette replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
OT2021 round 2 - Lindenau Game 1

Jim Fardette – French – 4 banners (25 losses)

Steve – Allies – 6 banners (20 losses)

Unable to get out of their own way, the French stumbled forwards only to be mowed down by counterattacking Austrians. An Allied victory that wasn't as close as the final score. French received 4 reinforcements during the game, 3 infantry and 1 light infantry.

OT2021 round 2 - Lindenau Game 2

Jim Fardette – Allies - 6 banners (32 losses)

Steve – French – 5 banners (27 losses)

A very seesaw affair, with Steve's French missing a single die 50-50 roll to end the game against a lone block along the back row, then the Austrians finishing with a line command against a HC & Leader who had strayed too far forward and into a town they could not effectively attack out of and were surrounded. The loss of the cavalry and leader in the subsequent attacks decided the fight for the Austrians. French received 6 reinforcements during the game, including 1 heavy cavalry, 1 foot artillery, 3 infantry and 1 light infantry.

If someone can help me out, I can't seem to figure out how to attach the log files.
Burnabybob replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Two games a month is not an overly burdensome schedule. People just need to respond to messages in a timely way, and manage time better.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago

Someone please tell my why this #%&!!@$ messaging system won't show my message with the spacing as I originally wrote it up, instead of taking out all my original paragraph spacing and making it much harder to read. I had the spaces between lines in there for a reason.
Seems to be a bug with edit. Editing again to put the white space back usually fixes the post but is frustrating nonetheless.  
scipio1zama replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Someone please tell my why this #%&!!@$ messaging system won't show my message with the spacing as I originally wrote it up, instead of taking out all my original paragraph spacing and making it much harder to read. I had the spaces between lines in there for a reason.

To RiverWanderer - thanks for the tip - Edit seems to have worked.
scipio1zama replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
OT2021 round 2 - Lindenau

Mike (scipio1zama) – French – 6 banners

Danill (FoxK) – Allies – 4 banners

There were three phases to this game (played on October 24.).

Phase 1 - Early fighting saw each side lose 2 LN on the left side of the board. This consumed 13 turns (1-13).

Phase 2 – Maneuver and cutting units down in size. No units were lost (except a Cossack.) This consumed 12 turns (14-25).

Phase 3 – Destroying weakened units, mostly in the center. This took just 3 turns.

Turn 26 – a French LC destroyed a 1-block Austrian FA and a 2-block Austrian LC.

Turn 27 – an Austrian inf unit in square destroyed a French 1-block HC via melee; an Austrian LN destroyed a 1-block French LT in the town of Leutzsch with ranged fire; an Austrian LC was destroyed by a French LC during a battle back (and an Austrian leader ran off the board.)

Turn 28 – A French Take Command Left card was used to order a single LC in the center to attack a 1-block Austrian GRZ in square. The GRZ didn’t get the Bounce Flag – and the LC’s one die was a blue infantry symbol which produced the sixth banner and the win.

A long, tight, tense game against a worthy opponent – you can’t ask for more than that.


File Attachment:

File Name: OT2021Mike...-21.vlog
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Michał-Wasil replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 1Tommy  (Allies)  6 Banners Michał-Wasil (French)  2 Banners 

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2021MichTom1.vsav
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Game 2Michał-Wasil (Allies)  6 BannersTommy  (French)  3 Banners 

File Attachment:

File Name: OT2021MichTom2.vlog
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GomJabbar replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Thank you sou1st for the forfeit and points. I would have liked to play the round, even just for the experience.
I hope to get a chance to play you in the future. Cheers.
EZPickins replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 2
EZPickins (Allies)  6 banners
Kandras78 (French)  3 banners

Most of the action took place on the French right flank. Andras with help from the center pushed my Allies back but had difficulty getting kills. I was able to shift some cavalry from my.  own center and counterattack forcing the French back and getting five banners in the process. He had some success in the center trying to battle back but didn't pull it off. It was closer  than the score indicates and I had some good luck and timely cards. Andras did a great job with what he had.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
I am adverse to extending deadlines, but I'm also concerned about how few matches seem to be played.

So I'm reluctantly extending the deadline to 7 November,  but any longer and we won't complete Round 3 sufficiently quickly toi have Round 4 over Xmas (which will be a longer round).

I can't emphasis enough that players should organise their matches EARLY, not the last week.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 1
MaxJoeZach [Doug] (Allies)  3 Banners 
RiverWanderer [Mark] (French)  6 Banners

Doug built up strong attacks on the flanks and as French I felt the noose tightening around my fighting retreat. The saving grace was a couple of last gasp melees between single block units on successive turns, with defending infantry fighting first in both. Luck favoured the French, with 3 banners gained in those two late game combats. The Austrian left flank had by now cleared the French off that flank and pressed forcefully towards Lindenau. Just the turn or two before, a Foot Artillery reinforcement had arrived (the only non-Line of the few that arrived in both games). This late arrival gave the French courage to risk their last serviceable LN in combined arms to attack full-strength Austrian LN, in woods but unsupported and with retreat path cutoff. For one final time, the dice proved their revolutionary fervour, resulting in the 5 hits needed to close the game.

File Attachment:

File Name: lindenauma...gg1.vlog
File Size:2,139 KB

Game 2
RiverWanderer [Mark] (Allies)   6* Banners  (*conceded at 4)
MaxJoeZach [Doug] (French)  0 Banners

Opening with a "Forward", the Austrians moved to a holding position on their right whilst calvary coordinated with Light Infantry to snare French Lights on  opposite flank. French cavalry attempted to support an infantry assault against the Austrian left, but was countered by short supply and a succession of "Leadership"-aided combats. This allowed the Austrian infantry to gain the upper hand over their French counterparts.

Meanwhile on the other flank, the Austrians were able to pursue a depleted French LN as it pulled back from Leutzsch.  It was eventually snagged on the back-line.

At 4 banners to none, though still strong in the centre, Doug decided to concede. 

File Attachment:

File Name: lindenaudo...ark.vlog
File Size:1,637 KB

Overall, if dice had favoured the French at critical moments in the first game, perhaps it was the cards that most helped the Austrians in game 2.

Thanks to Doug for two good games and for his help getting them played.
soul1st replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
All the points go to GomJabbar (Brad) for our matches as I am not able to play due to a busy schedule in combination with the time difference with my opponent.

Apologies again to Brad. He really wanted to play but I was unable to comply.

Hopefully my schedule will allow me to play in the next round.

Twan (soul1st)
g1ul10 replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Mark please give us one week of extension. The scenario is interesting but Bob and I, are not able to play it before the deadline. It is my fault, I contacted Bob too late and he already has the weekend full. The post-pandemic world is a hectic place to live in. Maybe we can slow down a little and have one round every 6 weeks?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
1 week left till deadline.. please get matches played and reported. No extensions.
Kandras78 replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
509 Lindenau (16 October 1813) [OT2021 - Round Two - 1st game]
Allies(A) 6 vs French(EZPickins) 5

A long, tense and enjoyable game with strange luck pulling and pushing both sides all along.
A slow but purposeful Austrian advance routes Gen. Morand. French Infantry reserves arriving to the field. Ineffective shooting. Allied cavalry bleeding out in the center trying to eliminate a stalwart French battery. French counterattack wreaks havoc on the Austrian lines, Gen. Quallenberg is killed. The French right also moves up but a cornered Grenzen unit battling back slains Gen. Fontanelli.

Hope, my skilled and noble opponent will be able to upload the logs.
jaboskov replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 1
Jaboskov (Allies) 6 banners
Craterus (French) 5 banners

Action started on the French center and right, with each side trying to get organized and in a good defensive position. Artilleries tried to weaken their enemy before a barrage of infantry charges and counter charges.

Game 2
Jaboskov (French) 6 banners
Craterus (Allies) 4 banners

Allies moved forward on the flanks to take advantage of time factor. French artillery and cavalry counterattacks saved them from the Austrian encirclement.

Very close all around. Could have gone either way both times.
rjvonline replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Round 2 

Renaud (rjvonline) vs Andrei (gileforn)

Both games ended up on the same score 6-4 for the Allies, but Renaud won on blocks.

I don't remember much of the first game except for incomprehensibly foregoing the opportunity to roll 6 dice (on a Leadership card play) against a weakened French HC unit that could not retire and rally (and then went on to kill one of my units). No matter the Allies still won. The French reinforcements were decent.

The second game (my French against Andrei's Allies) lasted a looong time. We reshuffled the command deck and drew a good chunk of the second deck.  My reinforcement rolls ran cold, hot, and cold. There was action in all sectors. The central sector there was mostly an artillery exchange that initially turned in favor of Andrei until I got 2 Artillery reinforcements and got rid of the Austrian artillery. While my Bombard card was countered by Battlefield Smoke and so I rolled 2 dice instead of 9 (I think), I still got 2 hits to kill the remaining Austrian battery (my luckiest roll of the game by far). Andrei's attempt to outflank me on my left failed, and we kind of observed one another on my right after an initial skirmish. At that point, I had come back from 0-4 to 3-4, and felt pretty good about my chances. I moved forward on my right with 3 full-strength line infantry against his mix of line, light and grenzer, all in BUA or on hills. I used Bayonet Charge, supported by First Strike (for his turn), and then Cold Steel, but the dice failed me, and his mostly didn't (like 3 hits out of 4 dice on my leader unit). While I collected a VP by killing a 1-block LC in the BUA on the opposite flank, I only dropped the LT defending the BUA on the right flank to 1 block. Between battle-backs and melee attacks over 2 rounds, Andrei killed 2 of my line units to get his 5th and 6th VPs. 

Thanks to Andrei with his fair-play!
gotigerssc replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Game 1
MarkMcG (Allies) 6 Banners
gotigerssc (French) 2 Banners

Not much came in the way of reinforcements for the French and despite the constant positioning, we could not gain much traction. One of the French officers also failed a leader check. Allies were just all around better in this one.

Game 2
gotigerssc (Allies) 6 Banners
MarkMcG (French) 0 Banners

After the results of both matches I'm convinced that this scenario just doesn't like the French. The critical rolls would not drop for the French again in this one - I believe Mark rolled about 8 dice, on different turns, against a 1 figure LC with no hits. That LC eventually escaped behind the lines as soon as I drew a card in that section. This one ended when a GRZ unit fired at range to knock the FA strength down to 1 and then the Austrian LC took it and a 1 figure HC out to end the match.

Always a challenge and good time to face Mark